Commitment and Love are Keys for Success of Ala Wahid Ihsani Putra

Commitment and Love are Keys for Success of Ala Wahid Ihsani Putra


The key is commitment and love,  says Wahid Ihsani Putra, the owner of the broiler farming to a number of other graduates in the Training Course held for  Pre-Graduation at Graha Widya Wisuda IPB, on 30 November 2010. Wahid is one of the successful entrepreneur on  animal husbandry, who was  inaugurated on 1 December 2010.

Ikhtiar Broiler Farm, was the name of the new 6-month ranch run by Wahid and his colleagues from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Bogor Agricultural University.  At the beginning Wahid and his friends invested Rp. 10.000.000,- (ten million Rupiah) as its initial capital. But his business did not run  as it was expected.  Wahid and his friends Farming Business failed at the first product,  so that Wahid, who was then still active as students, had got additional burden on him as he had to close the debt amounted to  Rp 14.000.000,- (foruteen million Rupiah).

But failure did make them despair.  He and his colleagues were challenged to continue his business. To pay their debts, Wahid sold  his broilers at discounted prices to restaurants and food stalls. He was also looked for part-time job to increase their  capital.

Wahid restarted his farm  after getting funding support from the Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Relations (DPKHA) IPB amounted to Rp 38.000.000,- (thirty eight million Rupiah) as additional capital. Those amount enabled them to acquire around 57.000 (fifty seven) DOC and to hire 26 (twenty six) labors for their farms.  His efforts began to change and currently his omzet has reached Rp. 100.000.000,- (hundred million) to Rp. 150.000.000,-  (hundred and fifty million).

Wahid stated that the failure of his first farming business was not due to poor management only, but also due to some environmental factors. He lost some of his chickens due to the theft. Meanwhile, Director of Career Development and Alumni Relations IPB, Dr. Dodik R. Nurochmat, suggested that the graduates should have a plus grade, they should not only have the ability to compete but also have the ability for partnerships.

The theme of the Stadium General Briefing for Alumni was  "Prepare Yourself, Reach Your Best!", and resource persons for this special event were Mr. David Dharsono – President Director of PT. SMART Tbk,  and author of  Success Book / Natural Healthy Culinary, Wied Harry Apriadji. (Wied)