The Socialization of Health Insurance for Bogor Agricultural University Communities

The Socialization of Health Insurance for Bogor Agricultural University Communities


Directorate Human Resources of Bogor Agricultural University organized the socialization program  of health insurance, Tuesday,  26 October 2010, on Darmaga Campus. The Acting  Executive Director of Human Resources,  Dr.Etty Riani, stated that the  socialization is to provide a important clarification abpout  social and commercial insurances. "By the socialization, it is expected the University communities will  understand clearly the benefits of social as well as the commercial insurances, and what are their benefits for them," said Dr.Etty.

The Director of PT.ASKES (State-owne Health Insurance Company)  Bogor  Branch, Dr. Eddy Sulistijanto, MM, AAK  clarified   who  will be members of the said insurance  and its health services provided by the company  for members or groups. "Effective next year,  ASKES will increase its hospital coverage for its members. This year,  the company  succeeded in improving  the hospitalization costs. For Government  Civil Servant  rank  III and IV,  they are entitled to be accomodated at the 1st class hospita rooms, wherease the I and II rank,  they are entitled to be accommodated at the 2nd Class Hospital rooms,  "explained Dr.Eddy.  In addition,  PT.ASKES also provides health insurance for its members who sufferes  heart disease and cancer,  that other insurance companies often do not want to provide.

Meanwhile, the Representative of  PT. Takaful  Keluarga (The private insurance company),  Ir. Dwi  Titik  A, explained the  allocated amount  for  hospitalization  and other helath services costs provided by PT. Takaful which are based on the type of  polis each members paid.  "For Takaful Keluarga card holders, who are being  hospitalized, they do not need any referral statement.  They just show their cards to the hospitals and they will be cured as other regular patients.  In addition, Takaful Keluarga card holders may combine in using both their Takaful as well as PT ASKES for  improved health facilities they need from the  hospitals they are in, "said Ir. Titik. Mr. Madsari, S.E, the Sub-Head of the Directorate of the  Personnel Welfare of the Directorate of Human Resources was the moderator of the spoecial event.  (Wied).