Policy Makers are expected to be gender-responsive

Policy Makers are expected to be gender-responsive


Policy makers in the local governments of Bogor Town, Bogor Regency, and IPB participated in "Training on Methodology of Gender-Responsive Development Policy Research for Policy Makers", Wednesday (3 / 11) in the Rose Room in Baranangsiang Campus of IPB Bogor. It was organized by Women’s Studies Program (PSW), Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (PSP3), Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, in cooperation with the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPA), Ministry of National Education, Municipality Government and Bogor Regency.

Vice Rector of IPB for Resources and Development, Prof. Dr. Herman Siregar in his speech mentioned that empirical conditions show that many sectors or agencies are felt not to be gender-responsive although women are not less potential than men. Therefore, Prof. Herman suggested to decision-makers that at recruitment for example, this variable be considered.

Concerning the quality of women, Prof. Herman pointed out in every graduation in IPB, the best graduates are always dominated by women. "In the nine faculties, usually six to seven of the best graduates are women," says Prof. Herman.

Prof. Herman advised PSW LPPM IPB to make a study or advocacy related to the presence of this gap. Advocacy is intended to strengthen women in networking. "Academic ability alone is not sufficient, but must be accompanied by a strong network," he added.

This training presented the keynote speaker Dr. Ir. Subandi Sarjoko of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Agustina Erni of KPPA RI, Prof. Dr. Aida Vitayala Hubeis, and Prof. Eriyatno, both from IPB. (mtd)