Folders for Jakarta Floods

Folders for Jakarta Floods


Creating folders or reservoirs which are connected is one solution to solve  floods  in Jakarta today. As reported by Prof. Hidayat Pawitan from the Department of Meteorology and Geophysical from Faculty of  Mathematics and Natural Sciences – Bogor Agricultural University, in the  discussion with journalists at the Centre of Agriculture and Rural Development Studies (psp3) Institute for Community Research and Service at (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University, at Baranangsiang campus, Monday, 2 November 2010.

Reservoirs in Indonesia ure unconnected each other, therefore, they are unable to accommodate all the high rainfalls.  In the everage, every one hundred acres of land will require one-hectare reservoir. It is estimated,  that for Jakarta itself, this capital city will require a thousand of folders or reservoirs, "He said.

Floods that  cause traffic jams in Jakarta are due to the heavy rainfalls coupled with bad constructions  of urban drainage. Currently the city drainage system are unconnected together and such situation cause water stagnants and they overflow to the lower areas, the drainagessystrems are should be well connected and able to discharge those waters into the sea.

In addition, the development of early warning systems for  flood is necessary, because up to now,   Indonesia is still rely on the radio for its early warning systems.
Further, Prof. Hidayat stated, that  planning of the dams construction in the upstream areas, such as in  Puncak,  Bogor Regency, and its vicinity, was not so urgent. "For the upstreams areas,  improving the drainage system that capable to discharge exessive rainfalls directly into  the rivers, will be the best answer for such problems. It is well understood, that the existing drainage systems in Bogor is no longer feasible because most of them were  previously the irrigation canal built by the Dutch collonial government," he said. (Wied).