Eid al-Adha Tausyiah (Advice) in Evening Dialogue

Eid al-Adha Tausyiah (Advice) in Evening Dialogue


The recipients of sacrificed animals  are of the highest priority and deserve  are the mustahik and the poor, according to Ustadz (an Islamic religious teacher) Asep Nurhalim, a teaching staff of MKDU (General Basic Courses) as the resource person in the evening dialogue  in RRI (Radio of the Republic of Indonesia), Bogor, (28/11).

This was emphasized as the distribution of sacrifice animals often goes to the wrong targets, yet the greatest reward is granted if the animals are delivered to the right targets.

The sacrifice is offered in highest priority by the haves , that is, they have sufficient means to meet their personal rights and families’. Depending the economic circumstances of each person, she or he can do the sacrifice every year if they can, he added.

To the question from a listener about the law of eating the meat from one’s own sacrificed animal, Ustadz Asep answered that it is permitted, but not more than one-third,  and for the sacrificed animal intended as a vow to God, the person is not allowed to eat at all the meat of the animal he has sacrificed.

And to another listener who asked about performing sacrifices out of  a collected donation system, Ustadz Asep answered that it is good to make people get used to performing good deeds but  of course with due regard to the regulations in Islam. The size of a cow or a sheep does not matter d; it is just to get used to doing good things. (mtd)