650 Students Participated in the SBT Open Badminton Championship Cup III 2010

650 Students Participated in the SBT Open Badminton Championship Cup III 2010


A total number of 650 students from elementary schools (SD), Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA), of Greater Jakarta and surrounding areas participated in the Open Badminton Championship of the Badminton Schools Cup III 2010, Saturday,  20 November 2010, in the Darmaga Campus. The competition was jointly organized by the Badminton School (SBT) and Unit of Sports and Arts icultural University.

The Principal SBT IPB, Drs. Cahyono Tri Wibowo, MM,  accompanied by Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Djadjat Sudradjat, S. Si, stated that the objectives of this championship is to promote the University from an early age to the students, as well as to select  future talented badminton players for future advancement of national badminton, which its performance is getting worse and worse currently. "At least we want to contribute more for the development badminton, nationally  and internationally as well" stated Tri. Open SBT Cup III 2010 Championship  is expected to be an arena for teenegers, whose its energies are in their  culmination  to compete.

"This championship is expected to encourage the youth to fill his spare time with positive activities such as sports, especially badminton," he said. The public interest in the III Championships have increased significantly, as the number of participants has increased from  300 participants in the previous year into 650 students currently. Further, Cahyo stated, that  winners will be entitled to get coaching fund, trophies and sports equipment from sponsors. 

According to records, since its establishment on 2005, SBT IPB students have made  achievements, such as seminalist for  Bogor Regent Cup, and the second winner of SMA 7 Cup Championship of Bogor municipality level.

In his remarks, the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, hoped if one percent of participants will be the future winners, it help the Indonesian  badminton improve its performance. "Especially with the declining status of the national badminton, this championship will of course be the source talented badminton players." Representatives of PBSI, Mr. Maman, and Head of Unit Arts and Sports of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Dr.Khaswar Syamsu,  were there in this occation. (Wied).