Women’s Studies Program of Bogor Agricultural University Conducted the Training Course on Gender Responsive

Women’s Studies Program of Bogor Agricultural University Conducted the Training Course on Gender Responsive


The participation of 50 (fifty) male participants in "Basic Training on Research Methodology for Development Policy of Gender Responsive", Saturday, 9 October 2010, was positively responded. "It shows a balance between men and women," said Chairman of the Organizing Committee Dr. Titik Sumarti, MS., who was given a big applause by the audiences in her appearance.

The total number of participants in this training was 140 (one hundred and fourty). The participants were from a number of universities and the extension of the Regional Task Force (SKPD) of Bogor City and Regency. Bogor Agricultural University was represented by both the 7th Semester undergraduate and the graduate students as well. They were  expected to strengthen the human resources (HR) in Center of Women’s Studies (PSW),  Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (PSP3) of  Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University.

The activities that took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Forestry – Bogor Agricultural University “Sylva” was a collaboration between Center of Women’s Studies (PSW) Bogor Agricultural University, and the Ministry of Women and Child Protection Affairs, Ministry of National Education, and National Women’s Empowerment and Family Planning (BPPKB) SKPD Bogor City and Regency.

"This event is part of the revitalization programs of Center of Women’s Studies (PSW) Bogor Agricultural University, in the framework to strengthen the capacity of Center of Women’s Studies in Indonesia. It is consistent with the mandate of the Ministry of Women Empowerment that Center of Women’s Studies should be strengthened in order to achieve the MDGs by 2012. Therefore, we work," explained Dr. Titik who is concurently  also the Chairlady of the Center of Women’s Studies (PSW) – Bogor Agricultural University.

Further, Dr Titik, stated that equality and gender justice can be achieved if the mutual respect, mutual complement and mutual assistance between men and women.

Meanwhile, Secretary of Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Sulistiono, in his remarks he stated that women are the front guard in educating and raising their children. According to Dr. Sulistiono, women are  the first person  who  initiate to feed their children, as well as to cure their children when they are sick. "It would be a big mistake for us, if those roles are marginalized," said Dr. Sulistiono, hoping that the Training course would set forth  women roles in the community. (Wied).