Twenty Achieving Students of IPB Get Scholarships from Bank Mandiri

Twenty Achieving Students of IPB Get Scholarships from Bank Mandiri


Bank Mandiri gives scholarships worth of Rp 120 million to 20 outstanding students of IPB. The scholarships was submitted in the General Lecture, the bank’s program called "Mandiri Education” by delivering  the theme of " Creating an Independent & Creative Child to Become a  State Leader" at the Auditorium of Andi Hakim Nasoetion, Darmaga Campus of IPB, (20/10).

Director of Commercial and Business of Bank Mandiri, Sunarso, who is also a graduate of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB, said that this is an annual routine program of Bank Mandiri and now it is the 3rd year held by Bank Mandiri.

This program will be an effective media for Bank Mandiri to share their experiences with future leaders of our nation about the characteristics of leaders who are able to create success and the importance of creativity for a business entity in seizing market opportunities, he concluded.

This General Lecture is held in 13 universities around Indonesia, namely Bogor Agricultural University, University of North Sumatra, Sriwijaya University, ITB, Semarang State University, University of Airlangga, University of Lampung Mangkurat, Makassar State University, Udayana University, Cendrawasih University, State University of Jakarta , UIN Sharif Hidayatullah and Atma Jaya University.

In the lecture, Sunarso mentioned 5 components of leadership that can be applied: a life goal, optimistic, connecting, ability to influence and convince others certainly for positive activities and high motivation.

Words of gratitude were expressed by IPB Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Yonny Koesmaryono, to Bank Mandiri, since IPB has been selected as one recipient of scholarships in this CSR program. He hopes that this event may provide an understanding of how the leadership has an important role for students in the future.

Further, Prof. Yonny said that IPB students are no longer expected to add to a long list of intellectual unemployment in this country, with the leadership capacity they will add to their skills, particularly to become job creators ". (mtd)