Training course for Human Rresources Development Towards the Indonesian Ports Performance

Training course for Human Rresources Development Towards the Indonesian Ports Performance


Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (marine center) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University in collaboration with the Directorate General of Sea Transportation (Dijten Hubla) – the Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia, and InWent Bremenport Republic of Germany, held a Training Course on  human resources development and technical guidance for Port Authority. The opening ceremony took place in the Executive Development Training Center of Center for Coastal and Marine Resources, Baranangsiang campus, on Monday,  27 September 2010, and was officially opened by Secretary General of Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Captain Bobby Mamahit.

Head of Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, Prof. Dr. Tridoyo Kusumastanto stated that such activity is very important to develop the existing ports in Indonesia. "As the largest archipelago country in the world, the sea ports is a necessity in this country. Port became the spearhead of economic growth on the islands of Indonesia," said Prof. Tridoyo

The increased port functions, from a place to transfer goods and passengers, into the complexity functions, have attracted the interest of the Secretary of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation. Therefore, with reference to the mandate of Act No. 17 of 2008 on Shipping and Government Regulation No. 61 on the Port, then the Port Authorities must be reliable and higly competence in performing their functions and responsibilities.

Such Course which was attended  by 40 (fourty) government civil servants (PNS) of  Directorate General of Sea Transportation, was carried out up to 8 October 2010, at in Wisma Tugu Indah, Puncak-Bogor. The participants were as follows: (1). From Belawan Port Administration  Office,  3 (three) staff; (2). From Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, 3 (three) staff; (3).  From Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, 4 (four) staff; (5). Port of Makassar,  4 (four) staff; (6). Teluk Bayur Port,  2 (two) staff; (7). Port of Palembang,  2 (two) staff;  (8). Port of  Pontianak,  3 (three) staff; (9). Benoa Harbour, 2 (two) staff; (10). Port of Cirebon,  1 (one) staff; and from the Directorate General of Sea Transportation Headquarter  16 (sixteen) staff.

It is expected the Training Course will produce competent human resources for port authorities, that enable improve port service performances in enhancing the operation of the port of national and international standards. (Wied).