Table Tennis Tournament in IPB’s 47th Anniversary

Table Tennis Tournament in IPB’s 47th Anniversary


IPB Table Tennis Tournament 2010 included in the agenda of IPB’s 47th Anniversary was staged in the Sport Building of IPB, Jl. Agathis, Darmaga Campus of IPB, (22/10). A total of 135 participants took part in the tournament, coming from IPB, around IPB Campus, Bogor Municipality and Regency. The categories contested were Male Groups, Female Individuals (especially for those living around the campus) and Male Individuals of Division III and IV (public).

"This event as part of IPB’s 47th Anniversary was held with the hope to increase competitiveness and create positive thoughts of each player in the tournament among the students and general public so that it is beneficial for all parties," said Sumarga, the Chairman of Tournament Committee at the opening ceremony.

According to him, as a higher education campus that has hold the title "Prima Sarana Olah Raga" (Prime Sport Facilities) for 3 years in a row from the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs, IPB take part  in coaching and developing sports, one of which is by organizing sports activities on each anniversary.

In addition, this tournament has become a tradition of IPB in each anniversary. Table tennis as one of the most popular sports at both international and national levels, in its current development, is favored by both Indonesian people in general and students. This is evident by the increasing number of table tennis championships held at both the regional and national levels.
"As a branch of popular sports, table tennis is potential to become a sports of achievement, so it is expected that IPB does not only hold  the reputation as a campus with Prime Sport Facilities, but it would also become a campus with prime sports achievements especially in table tennis," he added. (mtd)