Si Malam 2 (The Night 2) Wins First Prize in National Contest of Pelung Chicken

Si Malam 2 (The Night 2) Wins First Prize in National Contest of Pelung Chicken


The Pelung Chicken of Garut called Si Malam 2 (the Night 2) succeeded to come out as the first winner in the  National Contest of Pelung Chicken organized by theStudent Association of Animal Production (HIMAPROTER) IPB together with the and the Indonesia Association of Pelung Chicken Breeder and Lovers (Hipapi) in Baranangsiang Campus of IPB Bogor, 3 / 10.

The chicken owned by Hendro Nandang from became the champion in the categories of both voice and performance. Meanwhile, the second and third champions went to the Pelung chickens owned by Ir. Sophian who called the two chickens Pun Amir and Pun Soreang, of Malabar origin.

For the category of body weight, the champion was won by the Pelung chicken of H. Denise, from Bandung, and the second and third champions were taken by chickens owned KH. Asep of Cianjur and Samaludin of Sukabumi.

In his opening speech, Head of Business Development of Livestock Services of West Java Province, Ir. Mia May Prihatni told that Pelung chickens are local birds that can develop as Agribusiness, but that potential has not been fully made into good use, and there are still many problems, such as not optimal in the management and marketing as well as no readiness in the global competition

Pelung chickens are of Indonesian native birds and currently many are still reared by rural communities. The birds have higher trade value than any other species; the price of Pelung chickens with good voice could even reach tens of millions of rupiahs. Thus, economically they can provide benefits for those who keep them, he concluded.

This 3rd National Contest of Pelung Chicken 2010 is in cooperation with the Indonesian Association of Pelung Chicken Breeders and Lovers (Hipapi) and sponsored the BNR foundation, and supported by media partners such as Poultry Indonesia, Trobos and Agrina.

The event was opened by the Chairman of the Department of Livestock Production Science and Technology (IPTP), Faculty of Animal Husbandry of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Cece Sumantri, M. Agr. Sc., and was attended by the Head of Tourism Object Services (Culture and Tourism Services of Bogor Regency), H. Didi Djunaedi Samaun, MM, Secretary of the Indonesia Poultry Society (MIPI), Dr Hadi Prasetyo and Riki Alamain (representatives from the major sponsor BNR), Chairman of the Association of Pelung Chicken Breeders and Lovers (Hipapi) from various regions, representatives of the Indonesian Poultry media partners, Trobos Agrina, and Pelung chicken lovers from different regions.

Participants came from Jakarta and West Java, like Bandung, Cianjur, Garut, Sukabumi, Bogor and other areas. Total participants reached 115 contestants. The contest competes for 15 winners in the voice category, 3 champions in weight category, category performance, and a general champion with the Rotary Cup of the Minister of Agriculture.