Rector: IPB Goes Field. It’s extraordinarily Cool…
Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc., gives awards to the partners who have facilitated the student participants in “IPB Goes Field 2010”. The awards in the forms of certificates were submitted in the Workshop “IPB Goes Field 2010”, Tuesday (19/10) in the Senate Meeting Room, Andi Nasoetion Building of Rectorate, Darmaga Campus of IPB Bogor.
The attending partners were PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, PT. Perkebunan Negara (PTPN) VIII, Government of Brebes Regency, and Government of Klaten Regency. Other partners, who were unable to attend, were PT. Gunung Madu Plantations, Government of Bogor regency, Kediri Regency, and the Provincial Government of Gorontalo.
"The facilitation by the partners in the activities of IPB Goes Field 2010 becomes part of our efforts in intellectualizing of the nation’s life and we hope that you (ladies and gentlemen) will remain pleased to be our partners in IPB Goes Field next year, "said Rector, accompanied by Head of Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Pramudya.
Rector also appreciates the students who have actively signed up to go to the field. Rector said he received a report from the Head of Village or Unit where IPB Goes Field was conducted, that the participants were more serious than those who went to the field to meet the semester credit units.
"I request the participants of IPB Goes Field 2010 to campaign this to their younger classmates. Tell them, just participate in IPB Goes Field; It’s extraordinarily cool," said Rector, applauded by the audience.
Earlier, Vice Head of LPPM IPB for Community Service Division, Dr. Ir. Prastowo said that IPB Goes Field is one form of non-credit student activities at IPB. Participants are involved in the learning process with the communities by staying with them, adapting and being accepted by the communities, with the goal to improve the students’ ability and facilitate IPB partners in overcoming development problems in the communities.
Participants of the IPB Goes Field Program are those who have completed the fourth semester. The topics of the student activities are based on the innovations resulted from IPB’s researches which are ready to apply, in accordance with the scope of activities for IPB Goes Field.
Present on this occasion were Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sam Herodian; Bio-pore Expert. Ir. R Kamir Brata, M.Sc., and Supervising lecturers. (mtd)