Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi : The Indonesian Noodles is safe to be consumed

Prof. Purwiyatno Hariyadi : The Indonesian Noodles is safe to be consumed


Due to the differences in food safety standards applied in each country, the distribution of the instant noodle of Indonesia was banned in Taiwan. The seasoning sauce that contains the preservative E218 (Methyl P-Hydroxybenzoate) under the Nipagin trademark in each Indomie package, according to the Taiwan goverment should be zero. Nipagin ester is a compound that capable inhibit the growth of microorganisms, such as molds and bacteria.

According to the  European Food Safety Agency or EFSO for the use of Nipagin, a limit of 1,000 milligrams per kilogram of food products is safe for human. Similarly, the Codex standards, the safety limit use of Nipagin is 1000 milligrams per kilogram of product. Wherease, Hong Kong has limitized 450 milligrams, Brunei 250 grams, Taiwan 0 (zero). Indonesia through the National Agency for Food and Drug Control (BPOM)  has applied strict regultions on the use of this compound, which is only 250 milligrams per kilogram of products.

"Recommendations on the use of Nipagin in food was formulated based on studies carried out by world food authorities, such as EFSA and Codex, the competent institutions and which are very careful. The consideration to  use of Nipagin is its safety and benefits. Safe without any  benefitial, usually the substance will be  ignored and again other compounds will be sought for  those  two conditions,” explained Prof.Dr.Ir. Purwiyatno Hariyadi Food Expert of Bogor Agricultural University, who is also Head of the Center for South East Asia Food Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST)  Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University. 
Thus, referring to the said world food security authority, Nipagin is safe to be  consumed. As long as it is within the allowable daily intake of 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

Prof. Purwiyatno examplified, if a child weights 30 kilograms, then the allowable daily intake Nipagin is 300 milligrams. While, the maximum content of Nipagin in a pack of soy sauce weighs 3 to 4 grams is only about 1 milligram.  "After consuming 300 packs of noodle,  then the total number of Nipagin in the human body will reach the maximum limit. However, if the total number noodles consumed was pretty fantastic, it will cause the extra work of  body organ especially the liver in detecting these compounds, "says Prof. Purwiyatno.

Further,  Prof. Purwiyatno explained, except breast milk, no perfect food that meets the nutritional requirements of human. Therefore, we should be able to develop a healthy and diversified menu, containing carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, which are usually obtained from rice, meat, vegetables and fruit. "We should consume noodles as part of the diversified healthy menu that we compose," added Prof. Purwiyatno.  (Wied).