Local Government of Pelalawan Regency Takes a Comparative Study in IPB

Local Government of Pelalawan Regency Takes a Comparative Study in IPB


A total of 28 village chiefs and secretaries under the Local Government of Pelalawan Regency, Riau is making a comparative study in Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The delegation was warmly welcomed by the Chairman of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Pramudya, Vice Chairman of LPPM IPB for the Community Service Division, Dr.Prastowo and Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB, Dr.Arif Satria, Friday (1 / 10) in the Meeting Room of LPPM IPB, Darmaga campus of IPB.

After the reception at LPPM IPB, the group visited the stands of Farmer Field Day held at the Campus. The group members were amazed when looking at the products of and offered for sale by Small and Medium Businesses (UKM) under the assistance of IPB, owned by the residents living in 14 villages around the campus
After the Friday prayer, the group visited Sengked Neighborhood of Babakan Village, a pilot project of healthy environment with the assistance of LPPM IPB. "They wanted to see first hand the process of sewage treatment, making compost and liquid fertilizer, sorting waste and producing crafts from trash," said Ir. Emi Hangesti Widyasari, MSI, Coordinator of the Healthy Environment Movement or Geulis IPB.

This comparative study is a follow-up of the previous Professional Work Lecture (KKP) by IPB students in Riau. The KKP students of IPB were also accompanied by the supervising team from LPPM IPB. For two months in Riau, together with students from two local colleges, they tried to carry out training, mentoring and developing local communities. "Local people have constraints on waste management. The IPB students and local students with the existing limitations are successful in helping solve the problem of accumulated waste. Well, it is this success that the Local government wants to look at. Thus, the government is interested in a comparative study and a direct look at the real work of IPB in Bogor," said Hangesti.

The Secretary of Pelalawan Regency of Riau, H. Marwan Ibrahim said that this comparative study is to explore cooperation in the field of environment. "We want to see first hand what is done by IPB in Bogor. Earlier we learned from the presentation by the team from LPPM IPB while they were in Riau, "he said. (mtd)