IPB Inaugurates 800 Graduates
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) inaugurated its 800 graduates in the Ceremony of Graduation and Certificate Submission in Stage I of Academic Year 2010/2011 on Wednesday (29 / 8) at Widya Graha Wisuda Building IPB. "In this stage of graduation, IPB submitted certificates to 800 graduates, which consists of 37 Doctoral graduates (S3), 128 graduates with Magister of Science degrees, seven graduates with Magister of Management degrees, 21 graduates Professional Master degrees, one graduate of Master of Science, " said the Rector of IPB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto in his speech.
IPB is consistently committed to improve the academic atmosphere in the campus and make it so conducive for the achievements in both national and international level. In the year 2010, the lecturers of IPB again are dominant in the list of Most Prospective Indonesian Innovative Work of the Year 2010 according to the resulted selection by Business Innovation Center (BIC) and the Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. Of 102 innovative works, 49 inventions (or almost 50%) are the works of IPB lecturers. This achievement maintains similar achievements in previous years.
As we know, previously, IPB managed to dominate the 101 Most Prospective Indonesian Innovative of the Year 2009, that is, recorded with 24 innovative works, and also dominate the 100 Most Prospective Indonesian Innovative Work of the Year 2008 with 21 innovative works. These awards are a manifestation of IPB’s commitment to presenting the best innovative works resulting from researches and technology development for Indonesia.
Good achievements have also been attained by the students of IPB in international competitions. Nine students of the Department of Food Science and Technology in two teams succeeded in improving the reputation of Indonesia by winning the First and Second Champion in the international competition of food technology in the "10th Institute of Food technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo" in Chicago, United States, on July 17 to 20 2010. They are all the students of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor. "I’d also like to say: ‘Congratulations to the Study Program of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology for gaining the approval from the IFT Higher Education Review as the first Study Program outside North America that meets the international standards of higher education in food technology. This international recognition is an evidence of IPB’s commitment to continuously improve the academic quality to be a world-class university in the real sense," said Rector. He also asks IPB alumni to be willing to be seriously engaged in the entrepreneurial world to help reduce the number of unemployment of educated people, which until February 2009 already reached 1.1 million people.
On that occasion, the best graduates were announced from each study program. Of the 607 graduates of the bachelor degree programs, the best graduate at the level of IPB is Triana Gita Dewi from the Agribusiness Studies Program, Faculty of Economics and Management, with the highest GPA of 3.85 and Cum Laude with the study period of 45 months. The best graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture is Siti Hapshoh from the Study Program of Agronomy and Horticulture. The best graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is Loisa. The best graduates of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences is Puspita Sari Intan from the Study Program of Technology and Management of Catch Fishing. The best graduate of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry is Windy Al Zahra from the Study Program of Animal Production Technology. The best graduate of the Faculty of Forestry is Muhammad Farikhin Yanuarefa from the Study Program of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism. The best graduate of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology is Arif Rahman Hakim from the Study Program of Agroindustrial Technology. The best graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is Dewi Rosaria Indah from the Study Program of Computer Science. The best graduate of the Faculty of Human Ecology is Noviyanti Wijaya from the Study Program of Nutrition Science.
In the graduate program, the best graduate of the doctoral programs is Melya Riniarti from the Study Program of Forestry Science. In the program of Master of Science, the best graduate is Sri Utami. In the program of Masters in Management and Business, the best graduate is Susetyo Dwi Prio. In the Professional Master program, the best graduate is Stephanus Hannah Rekyanto from the program of Professional Magister in Biodiversity Conservation. (mtd)