Gebyar Nusantara of Bogor Agricultural University for 2010

Gebyar Nusantara of Bogor Agricultural University for 2010


A female student from Bogor Agricultural University amazed viewers with Debus attractions on Gebyar Nusantara (Genus) IPB 2010, as a series of Bogor Agricultural University 47th Anniversary, Saturday (16/10) at Graha Widya Graduation (GWW) Darmaga Campus, Bogor. Traditonal dances, local cuisines, traditional dresses, and typical local cultures from various regions in the archipelago were presented. North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, Bali, East Java, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Majalengka, Ciamis, Sumedang, Bandung, Jakarta, Banten, Lampung, Belitung, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Jambi, Riau, Palembang, Tapanuli, were representatives among the participants.

Debus which is grouped as a single unit with “Pencak Silat” martial arts, it has also a complete attractive perrformaing arts. Debus is always interesting and makes the whole audiences became tense nerves. Why? Because the dance equipped with  machetes, knives, or other sharp objects, that cause serious injuries in the abdomen, face, head and other body is the hallmark of Debus. But the dance player, not even death, but still alive. All the cuts on the dance player’s body will be healed only with the sweep hand coach.

Dr. Adyaksa Dault, graced the occaccion to  Genus 2010 with theme “Membangun Karakter Bangsa dengan Inspirasi Semangat Kepemudaan” Spirit of Youth Inspiration for Nation Character Building”, as the Keynote Speaker. In front of hundreds of students of Bogor Agricultural University, former Minister of Youth and Sports, stated that Industry, Investment, individualization, and Information are four cultural globalization that are eroding the culture of  developing countries such as  Indonesia

"People talk about  industry,  but they do not pay attention to the impacts the industry, people invest with minimum capitals for maximum profits. Take a look at current situations, people do not communicate to each other in the elevator (Indonesian culture is warm-hearted and greet each other), and if there is no filter, then opening the widest information would be very dangerous, "he said.

    Therefore, Dr. Adyaksa Dault, called for the government to shut down negative sites (situs-situs yang negative) to save the young generation of Indonesia. In addition, he is also proud to know that Bogor Agricultural University is capable maintian harmonius life of its community and brings together the various indigenous cultures that exist and presented at this  event. (Wied)