Experts of Animal Reproduction Talks about National Food Self-Sufficiency

Experts of Animal Reproduction Talks about National Food Self-Sufficiency


Minister of Agriculture RI Dr. Ir. Suswono, MMA gives high appreciation to the experts in science and technology particularly in the field of animal reproduction. According to him, the reproductive role is significant in achieving the Self Sufficiency Program on meat of cows and buffalos in 2014 and in the prevention of animal diseases.

The various important roles are for example in terms of infectious and non-infectious diseases and other reproductive disorders that cause the low service per conception (S / C), length of calving interval (CI), and low birth rate and infertility. Meanwhile, non-infectious reproductive disorders include hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders and others.

"The important role of reproduction will be more significant if it is linked to the artificial insemination, intensified natural insemination and embryo transfer," said Minister of Agriculture as a Keynote Speaker at the National Seminar on "Role of Animal Reproduction Technology in the Context of National Food Self-Sufficiency", held by the Major Program of Reproductive Biology, Graduate School of IPB in collaboration with the Division of Reproductive and Obstetrics, Department of Reproductive Clinics and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IPB in the Business Management Building (MB) IPB, Wednesday (6 / 10).

Minister of Agriculture further said that the Beef Self-Sufficiency Program is one important priority of the Agriculture Ministry, arguing that most animal farm households, that is, 4.6 million, are engaged in raising beef cattle. The number of households spreads evenly throughout Indonesia, especially in the major centers of beef cattle ranch in Eastern Indonesia. Thus, the success of beef self-sufficiency has significant role in alleviating people from poverty.

"For such purpose, the ideas about the need for self-sufficiency in beef is not just based on supply-demand analysis, but also as a support to the efforts to save 4.6 million households dealing with beef cattle," said the Minister.
The event, which was officially opened by the Rector of IPB Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc., was attended by a number of stakeholders, including the Head of Livestock Services Department and Head of Agricultural Services, private sectors, and experts of animal reproduction. On this occasion an idea was also initiated to form an Indonesian Association of Animal Reproduction, as a forum of aspirations from experts in the field of animal reproduction.

In his speech Rector said so far the need for national meat has always been met through imported products. Therefore, he added, we need to develop innovative ideas to supply local cow. "If we do not make a breakthrough, in the long run we will depend on the import, which can really reduce the state saving greatly," said Rector.

On this occasion a guest speaker was present from Yamaguchi University in Japan, Prof. Dr. Takesige Otoi, who delivered the paper titled "The Role of the Assisted Reproductive Technology on Beef Cattle Production in Japan."  Prof. Otoi was in the panel discussion with Prof. Dr. drh Iman Supriatna, Head of Reproductive Biology Major of Graduate School of IPB with the paper "Application of Reproductive Technology on Livestock in Indonesia."

The seminar also invited as speakers Ir. Budi HR (from PT. Lembu Jantan Perkasa); drh. Maidaswar, M.Si and Lina Widyawati, SPt, M.Si (from Artificial Insemination Agency of Lembang); and drh. R. Kurnia Achyadi, MS., (from Division of Reproduction and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IPB).
Meanwhile the regional speakers were the Head of Livestock Service of Riau Province, drh. Askardiya R. Patrianov, MM.; Head of Livestock Service of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Ir. Ansgerius Takalapeta, and Head of Livestock Service of West Java Province, Ir. H. Koesmayadie TP. They all talked about the potentials and animal reproductive problems in their respective regions. (mtd)