Bogor Agricultural University – West Sumatra Established Cooperation Porgram for Agricultural Development and Welfare

Bogor Agricultural University – West Sumatra Established Cooperation Porgram for Agricultural Development and Welfare


Bogor Agricultural University  has established cooperation program with the Provincial Government of West Sumatra to improve  the welfare of society through the development of agribusiness and agro-industry. In addition to agricultural  field, Bogor Agricultural University  and the Provincial government of Sumatra  has also agreed to implement disaster reduction efforts. This was described by Chairman of the Sub-Division of  National Cooperation, Dr. Alinda FM Zein, when she was interviewed on 30 September 2010.
In her opinion, the initiative of partnership was started  at the time when  the earthquake occurred in West Sumatra, one year ago. At that time, both several alumni of Bogor Agricultural University as well as the university communties from West Sumatra, initiated  to assist the victims by establishing Earthquake Disaster Center.

One of the relief funds  provided was utilized for  construction of  five earthquake-proof  houses. This activity was initiated  by Prof.. Syafrida Manuwoto, Prof. Tun Tedja Irawady, and Prof. Dervish Azi

Tit for tat, the initiative of  alumni of Bogor Agricultural University get special attention from the government of West Sumatra. This was formulized by the signing of  MOU between the two parties,  just right  3-day after  the inauguration of Governor of West Sumatra, Mr. Irwan Prayitno with Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, on 18 August 2010 at Hall of West Sumatra Provincial government.

According to Dr. Alinda, the signing of the MoU was witnessed by  all Regent,  Mayors, and SKPD of West Sumatera Province as well as several officials including Vice-Rector of Bogor Agricultural University for Research and Cooperation, Dr. Ir.  Anas M. Fauzi and Head of the Centre for Disaster of Bogor Agricultural University, Dr.Euis Sunarti.(Wied).