IPB Presents Scientific Speeches of Three Professors
In commemorating its 47th anniversary, Bogor Agricultural University held oral scientific presentations of nine Professors. Scientific orations are divided into three sessions in the Auditorium of Andi Hakim Nasoetion, Darmaga Campus of IPB, namely on 18 and 25 September and 2 October 2010. In each day there are three speeches by the related full-time professors of IPB.
"The nine professors’ scientific orations were staged as part of the 47th anniversary of IPB that falls annually on 1 September. The speech was presented for three days, and every day three professors delivered their oral presentations. This is the new SOP for the scientific oration and all of its costs are the responsibility of IPB," said Prof. Dr. Ir. Ary Purbayanto to the reporters, representing the Director of Academic and Education as Chairman of the Scientific Orations Committee for IPB.
In practice according to Prof. Ary, IPB has already recognized the title Professor of a person since s/he has received the SK Professor (a decree about the title ) signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of National Education. Therefore, the scientific oration which is usually intended to confirm the title of professor was held to commemorate the 47th anniversary of IPB. According to one Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science who presented his oration on 18September, the new SOP is intended to encourage more professors who have received the Ministerial Decree of National Education to formalize their titles.
"With this new SOP, more professors can establish his titles more quickly because the entire cost is borne by IPB," he explained.
Three professors who will deliver speech on Saturday tomorrow are Prof. Ari with his scientific oration titled "Realizing Environmentally Friendly Fishing Technology for Sustainable Fishery in Indonesia", Prof. Erliza with his scientific oration entitled "The Role of Agroindustry Technology in the Development of Downstream Palm Oil Industry", and Prof. Sumarjo with scientific oration entitled "Guidance Towards Development of Human and Social Capital in Realizing People’s Health."
The six other professors who will deliver a scientific oration on Sept. 25 are Prof. Aida Fitalaya, Prof. Bambang Djuanda, and Prof. Muladno, and on October 2 Prof. Budi Mulyatno, Prof. Hendriatno, and Prof. Arif Budiono.
Currently IPB still has full-time professors still lining up for the opportunity to present a scientific oration.IPB only coordinates the event in the months of its anniversary, and this year it provides the opportunity for nine professors to deliver their scientific speech. (mtd)