Agriculture Quarantine Agency Sends Its Staff to Pursue their Studies at Bogor Agricultural University

Agriculture Quarantine Agency Sends Its Staff to Pursue their Studies at Bogor Agricultural University


Agricultural Quarantine Agency (BKP), the Ministry of Agriculture Republicc of  Indonesia planned to send its  30 (thirty) staff to pursue their higher degrees at Bogor Agricultural University. The signing of the memorandum of understanding between  Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Prof.Dr.Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, M. Sc and Head of Agricultural Quarantine Agency (BKP), Ir. Hari Priyono, M. Si was held at the Mawar Room, Baranang Siang Campus, on 1 September 2010. 

"A week after Lebaran, those staff will  officially became graduate students of Bogor Agricultural University. This opportunity will be  beneficial for both parties. Bogor Agricultural University lecturers will get  information on quarantine agency, and the staff of the Quarantine Agency will learn from the University,  "said Rector.

In line with Prof. Herry, Ir. Hari stated  that the MoU was  intended to improve the quality of its human resources, as a state agency if the staff  potential is limited, it  will reduce the credibility of the institution. "Cooperation with Bogor Agricultural University is very strategic, and the agricultural quarantine officers are expected to improve their quality performance," he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Vice  Dean of the School of the Graduate Studies of Bogor Agricultural University, Dr. Ir.  Dedi Jusadi, he  confirmed that  15 (fifteen) officials  of agricultural quarantine undertake  master degree program at the Faculty of Agriculture and other 15 (fifteen) officials undertake  the master degree program at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine . (Wied)