Training Program for Cadre of Posdaya from Villages Surrounding the Campus of Bogor Agricultural University

Training Program for Cadre of Posdaya from Villages Surrounding the Campus of Bogor Agricultural University


A number of cadres for Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya) from villages in sorround the  campus of Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga, undertook the Training Course on Provisioning of Cadre for Posdaya, Saturday,  31 July 2010. Those cadres were from village as follows: (1).  Situ Gede; (2).  Margajaya; (3). Cihideung Udik; (4). Ciherang;  and  (5). Neglasari.

The event took place at Room B1, of the  Faculty of Agriculture, was organized by the Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM) –  Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Bogor Agricultural University.

Head of the Center for  Human  Resources  Development, Dr. Pudji Mulyono, stated  that the potential diversity of people of certain area will not be well-utilized, if those people are not motivated to develop that potentiality. As long as he knew, as Dr. Pudji stated, communities in barren areas were more enthusiatic  to explore their indigenous poterntial to improve their life. 

"Hopefully through Posdaya Project, the society will be motivated more. Because Posdaya was actually the motivator to speed up the development," added Dr. Pudji, at the training program  which was officially opened by Dr.drh. Kukuh Santoso, of the Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM IPB). 
Village leader (Lurah) of  Situ Gede, Mr. Rusmana, have aknowledged the existance of Posdaya in his village. According to him,  the establishment of Posdaya, enabled  the society realized the potentiality they have and were  motivated to utilize those potentials to get job opportunities.  A number of  businesses they developed  were flourish due to the  Posdaya, such as business group on Ornamental Plants and Fungi.  (Wied).