Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad, Recipient of Bakrie Award for Technology

Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad, Recipient of Bakrie Award for Technology


The Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB, Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad, is given Achmad Bakrie Award 2010 in the field of technology. Sjamsoe’oed is selected along with five other winners in the categories of literature, social thought, medicine, science, and a special category of researchers.

Sjamsoe’oed is considered worthy to receive this award because he has pioneered the development of seed science and technology in Indonesia. His pioneering work has inspired a number of scholars and agricultural institutions working on seeds with an advanced technology. Inn making the efforts in developing modern seed industries in Indonesia, he urged to formulate strategies in agricultural development that is capable of sustaining food sovereignty in the home country.

Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad explained the reason for accepting this award. According to him, the recipient of the award does not mean to be lower than the award benefactor. "I think this is purely separate from the business realm," explained Sjamsoe’oed.

Sjamsoe’oed expressed this view in his written statements read by the committee in the ceremony of Bakrie Award in Wisma Proklamasi, Jl. Proklamasi, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (04/08/2010).

He viewed this award as a motivating whip to continuously develop science and technology of seeds in Indonesia. He does not agree that this award is considered as giving alms.

Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad was born on June 24, 1931 in Madiun, East Java. After graduating from SMA Budi Utomo, Jakarta, he enrolled at the University of Indonesia and graduated with a degree from the Faculty of Agriculture. He continued his studies at Mississippi State University and obtained his Master degree in Seed Technology. He acquired his doctoral degree in Agricultural Science obtained from IPB based on his research in Seed Technology and dissertation in 1972.

His profession as a public servant began in 1957 in the position of Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Indonesia, which later became IPB, until he retired as a Professor in 1996.

The structural positions he has held were Head of the Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology, Head of Agronomy Department, and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, all in Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB).

Sjamsoe’oed is quite productive in writing and publishing scientific papers and popular articles, both in the field of Seed Science and Technology as well as in socio-economic and political aspects of agriculture.

Until now he has written about 20 books. He was a member of the Board of Editors for the Indonesian Journal of Crop Science in the Ministry of Agriculture, and the newsmagazine of Science and Technology News in LIPI. He has also served as Chairman of Editors for the Family Magazine of Seed published by the Forum of Experts and Interested Parties.

Other awards he has received were one from the Dean of the College of Agriculture & Home Economic – Mississippi State University, for writing and publishing the book "From Seed To Seed, Karya 47  Widya Utama from the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, IPB for his services and dedication in the development of Seed Science and Technology, Sewaka Winayaroha Award from the Director General of Higher Education of Indonesia for his contribution to the improved quality of Higher Education, an award from the Daily KOMPAS as dedicated intellectual, and an award from the Association of Seed Indonesia (ASBENINDO) as the "Seed Father."

Among his busy days, Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad does painting with oil paint and under the pseudonym "Rimirelroos" he published the novel “Mama is an Angel” (Athena Press, 2004). (mtd)