Public Relations of Bogor Agricultural University was Named the Third Winner of the Media Award for Audio Visual Products

Public Relations of Bogor Agricultural University was Named the Third Winner of the Media Award for Audio Visual Products


Bogor Agricultural Institute  has successfully won the 3rd winner for Audio Visual Profile of State University category (PTN)  of the competition for the Public Relations Media Award  (AMH) 2010, on Wednesday,  28 July 2010. Bogor Agricultural University received the Award at  West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), which witnessed  by  around 160 representatives of the Ministry / State Institutions, State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), local government, and State University.

AMH is granted as a token of appreciation for the Public Relations achievements made in  creating  a harmonious communication, as well as to motivate and  to provide morale support for art works   to improve their products  in the near future.

Jury for Website and Audio Visual were Ir. Nukman Luthfie and Drs. Teguh Poeradisastra, MM., and  judging for the entries   were creativity of  art works  and news contents, as well as the techniques for selection / editing of pictures and news. (Wied)