Press Release: Bogor Agricultural University Participation in INDOLIVESTOCK

Press Release: Bogor Agricultural University Participation in INDOLIVESTOCK


Bogor Agricultural Institute in its continues efforts to promote and to market  the results of its research to the public, has participated in the national event such as INDOLIVESTOCK (INDO Fisheries, INDO FEED, INDO DIARY) which is usully  held by the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with PT Napindo Media Ashatama as the event organizer.

The participation in this event was coordinated by the Director of Research and Strategic Studies, Dr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnaen. With the concept of a business meeting with theme “Technology Innovation for Strengthening the Competitiveness of Livestock and Fisheries”, this national event was participated by approximately 150 representatives of various institutions both private companies and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), government agencies, as well as some Units under the Bogor Agricultural University to promote innovation technologies the University made and research results in the field of animal husbandry.

In this national event,  Bogor Agricultural University exhibited  a number of innovations the University has made in livestock products (milk, omega eggs, honey), food products (vegetable waste feed wafers, biscuits diet, herbal molasses block), meat and bone of fish separator,  fish fry counter, miniature of water monitoring, and diagnostic KIT for HPAI in the Jakarta Convention Center, on 9 July 2010.

The business meeting and exhibition of Bogor Agricultural University products in this national event are expected to strengthen mutual  cooperation with prospective users, either in the joint research programs or in the application of industrial  technology, thus, they will expedite the  commercialization  process in  of its inventions or will provide the avenue for Bogor Agricultural Univerisy   in obtaining the desired technology. (Wied).