Make Bogor a Success as Non-Smoking Region
Indonesia is the third country in the world after China and India with the most people who smoke. This has encouraged Ir. Hangesti Emiwidyasari, M. Si, Head of the Team Geulis IPB to socialize the dangers of smoking to both smokers themselves and others.
The goal is to avoid women and children from cigarette smoke. According to her, women are the successive generation and so at the greatest risk of regenerating , miscarriage, having low-weight babies at birth, cancer and other diseases related to smoking (either as active smokers or passive smokers).
"Unconsciously we become passive smokers, whether at home, schools, mosques, hospitals, workplaces or other places. Therefore, passive smokers should be aware that they also are in danger," she said a resource person in the Evening Dialogue at RRI Bogor (20 / 7)
Taking the courage to stop people smoking in public areas is not easy. She gives some tips to do this. First, tell smokers that smoking is dangerous. Then tell that we also have the right to breathe better air, and continue to improve confidence in nice and polite language. "If people understand, they will immediately put out the cigarette; but some are stubborn," he added.
The good intention of the government to save the people from the dangers of smoking needs to be supported by all parties. The municipal government has been implementing Bogor as a Region without Cigarettes. It is expected to able to reduce the consumption of cigarettes in Bogor.
"Actually it is not hard to quit smoking, depending on the will to quit or not. For example in the month of Ramadan, people can reduce cigarette consumption from four o two packs per day. We could take a lesson from this Ramadan," said Hangesti.
In addition, the role of a family is also very important because, according to her, the urge to quit smoking is stronger if the family advices not to smoke.
Meanwhile, the responses from listeners were emerging. For example, Ujang (a smoker) said that most smokers were egoistic by smoking in any place. He is aware that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking. "It is selfishness if you smoke without considering the rights of others," he said.
Like Ujang, Mr. Amrul in Baranang Siang has been an active smoker from the age of primary school to the age of 60, suggests that there be the best solution but not too stern so that there won’t be a strong reaction.(mtd)