IPB Achieves the Sixth Rank of Best Universities in Indonesia by Webometrics

IPB Achieves the Sixth Rank of Best Universities in Indonesia by Webometrics


Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) wins the sixth rank of best higher educations in Indonesian based on the ranking of Webometrics. In sequence the six best major universities in Indonesia are Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), University of Gajah Mada (UGM), University of Indonesia (UI), University of Gunadharma, University of Kristen Petra and IPB. The Webometrics version of ranking includes the aspects of size, visibility, rich files and scholars. Size is the number of pages produced by a university, which can be identified by search engines like Google, Yahoo and others. Visibility is the number of websites that link their pages to the websites of a certain university. Rich files refer to the number of pdf files, post script, doc (Word), ppt indexed by Google. And scholar is the number of scientific publications put in the indices of google.com.

"The achievement is not easily obtained by IPB. It requires thorough preparation to get to the sixth rank. It started with the development in the concept of increasing the rank based on the webometrics version, followed by the formation of webometrics team and a road show to socialize webometrics to every faculty directly conducted the Vice Rector of Business and Communication IPB, Dr. Ir. Arif Imam Soeroso. The socialization was attended each Dean and Head of Department," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Data and Information IPB, Firman Ardiansyah, S. Kom. M.Si.

Another effort made by the webometrics team of IPB was in the forms of a website contest and blog contest, creation of IPB staff’s blogs and free internet access for new students. "To increase the ranking of IPB, I really hope for the cooperation of each department and the working unit in IPB to update the local news on their websites," said Firman. (mtd)