Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB Helps People of Teluk Meranti to Process Vegetable Oil
Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB Dr. Sam Herodians and President Director of PT. Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP) Kusnan Rahmin, signed a Cooperation Agreement in processing vegetable oil from Bintaro seeds of and its use as a substitute for kerosene in stoves, Friday (20 / 8). Further testing of Bintaro oil processing will be done at the level of a community group and try-out of vegetable oil stoves for the people in the District of Teluk Meranti, Riau.
The agreement, signed in the Rector Meeting Room, Andi Hakim Nasoetion Building, Darmaga campus of IPB, was witnessed by IPB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc. and the Vice Rector of Research and Cooperation Dr. Ir. Miftah Anas Fauzi. Earlier, Rector of IPB and President Director of RAAP signed a manuscript of MoU (memorandum of understanding). In it both sides agree to make cooperation to realize the development of Industrial Plant Forest which can contribute positively to the social aspects, environment and economy.
"Bintaro plants grow abundantly in Teluk Meranti, but they are not fully utilized. Through this agreement, we are confident with the expertise possessed by Fateta IPB, Bintaro crops can bring benefits to the people who live in the conservation area," said President Director of RAAP.
IPB Rector welcomes the idea to develop biofuel, which he says can show another side of IPB. "Keep making efforts to provide solutions or new insights to solve problems existing in our homeland," said Rector.
Present on this occasion were the Vice Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB Prof. Dr. Ronny Noor R, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) Dr. Yusman Syaukat, and Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) Dr. Arif Satria. Also attending the event were the Executive Secretary of IPB Dr. Ir. Bonny P.W. Soekarno, researchers and lecturers of Fateta Prof. Dr. Budi Indra Setiawan and Dr. Ir. Y. Aris Purwanto, and Head of Public Relations IPB Ir. Henny Windarti, Si (mtd)