Bogor Agricultural University and Klaten Regency Signed MoU on Research and Community Service

Bogor Agricultural University and Klaten Regency Signed MoU on Research and Community Service


Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Miftah Anas Fauzi, M. Eng.,  accompanied by the Deputy Head of the Community Service of Directorate of Research and Community Services (LPPM), Dr. Ir. Prastowo,  on Saturday, 24 July 2010, at 14:00 have  signed  the MoU between Bogor Agricultural University  and Klaten  Regency  at the Secretariat Building of Klaten regency, and was witnessed by several Klaten District Government officials, students and lecturers of the  Plant Protection Department, as well as  Agronomy and  Horticulture of Bogor Agricultural University. Concurrently, during which other signing of  MoU between Directorate of Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University with several institutions, that include  Local Development Agency (Bappeda), Office of  Agriculture Service, and Environmental Service of  Klaten.  Then, the delegates were officially received by the Regent of Klaten at his  Executive House.

Priof to the signing of the MoU,  in the morning session the  TVRI Yogyakarta has recorded  “Go Field” program of  Bogor Agricultural University, and WRRK of Bogor Agricultural University on the involvement of the said university (its institutions, students and lecturers) to solve community problems in the field, including in the pests management, especially the outbreak of the Brown Planthopper in some areas of Java. Shooting was conducted in paddy fields, particiapated by two lecturers Department Plant Protection and students who implemented the “Go Field” program in Klaten (8 students of Department Plant Protection and 1 of Agronomy  and Horticulture). The program was terminated by having lunch together with the hosts of the students while they implemented the “Go Field” program.
In the evening, at 18:00 –  19:00, TVRI Yogyakarta  broadcasted the live TALK SHOW, and was attended  by  Bogor Agricultural University delegates consisted of  WRRK, representative of  Directorate of Research and Community Services (LPPM), lecturers and students, alumnus who works and active in community serivces in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, and Head of Klaten Agricultural Office, and Dr. Hermanu Triwidodo of Bogor Agricultural University, who was responsible for the “Go Field” program in Klaten. In the Opening Ceremony, classic and modern music and dances with traditional costumes theme “peasant” were presented. The discussion was guided by Mr. Anggerjati from TVRI Yogyakarta. In the question and answer session, three questions were raised by the lecturer of the Gadjah Mada University, Mr. Herlambang, of  Social Agricultural Economics, and two farmers from Klaten. .

There were  two digital records taken in Klaten:  (1). The  Recording of Talkshow which was funded by Directorate of Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University,  and (2).  Feature program on Plant Clinic,  Department of   Plant Protection of Bogor Agricultural University, and plant pest and disease problems in the field sponsored by I – MHERE B2 C of Bogor Agricultural University. Those Documentation files will be  broadcasted by TVRI Yogyakarta on 13 August  2010.

Events in Klaten was really an exemplary of collaborative works  between existing programs in Bogor Agricultural University  (I-MHERE and Go Field). In addition, there is a offer to organize a cooperative Plant Clinic on Air, which will be performed as direct consultations with viewers of TVRI Yogyakarta via telephone (with once a month intervals) on the Plant Pest  Organisms.  But the University is still trying to get prospective sponsors for the important program. (Wied).