IPB Grabs Five Champions of National Level in Five Categories of Achievement

IPB Grabs Five Champions of National Level in Five Categories of Achievement


teBogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) successfully won the champion in five categories contested by the Ministry of National Education. Five categories are: (1) the second national champion of 2010 for achieving lecturers, drh.Rizal M. Damanik, M.Rep.Sc, Ph.D.; (2) the third national champion of 2010 for the achieving heads of study programs, Dr. . Ir.Dadang, M. Sc; (3) the first national champion of 2010 for the achieving academic administrative personnels; Fathurrohman, S.Kom; (4) the first national champion of 2010 for the achieving financial management, Fery Swandayana, A. Md, and (5) the second national champion for the achieving laboratory personnel, Rini Purnawati, B. Sc, S. TP, M.Si.  in the category of archivist, IPB got the second national expected champion by the name of Satriyadi, while in librarian category  IPB sent Ir.Rita Komalasari, but has not yet managed to win the national championship.

"The selection process has been done at IPB level since March. We selected on basis of the criteria and requirements for each category," said Director of Human Resources, Erlin Trisulianti, S. TP, M.Si.  Each working unit in IPB sends one representative; then it is followed by a selection through portfolio, psychological tests and interviews.

The selection of achieving lecturers has got more rigorous. A lecturer is assessed for his/her achievements in education, research and community service. "In contrast to the concept of selecting model lecturers, the achieving lecturer must really have an outstanding achievement in research. Lecturers must have scientific papers published nationally and internationally." said Erlin, M.Si

The competition for achieving employees in each category is a form of appreciation and awards for work achievements so far performed. According to Erlin, M. Si, The most important thing of this selection is the existence of knowledge sharing among 30 participants, particularly the educational staff from universities throughout Indonesia. Any educational staff has creative ideas to improve the quality of academic and administrative services at each working place. "Imagine if every person has creative ideas to improve the quality of services, then they will get 30 creative ways that can be implemented at any higher education where they return later," said she, who was also one of the jury in the selection of outstanding educational staff.

Although not contested at the national level, IPB has added two categories of achievements in the selection of achieving staff, i.e. the category of Campus Security Unit or security guards, and the category of general administration. At the level of IPB, the first winners for security units and general administration are respectively Indra Gunawan and Erma Rahmawati, SE. "In the future we plan to add one more category of the Public Relation," said Erlin, M.Si (mtd)