Healthy Eating Tips for Eid, According to an IPB University Nutrition Expert

Healthy Eating Tips for Eid, According to an IPB University Nutrition Expert

Tips Sehat Mengonsumsi Hidangan Lebaran Menurut Ahli Gizi IPB University
News / Research

In just a few days, muslims will celebrate Eid al-Fitr. This special occasion is often associated with rich, coconut milk-based dishes like rendang, opor, and gulai, as well as an abundance of sweet treats. However, consuming these foods for several days in a row can have negative health effects.

dr. Naufal Muharam Nurdin, SKed, MSi, a lecturer at IPB University’s Department of Nutrition Science, emphasizes that maintaining a healthy diet during Lebaran, though challenging, remains essential.

“Controlling our eating habits during Eid can be difficult. We should be mindful, but not too strict, as Eid is a time of joy. It is okay to enjoy the available dishes, but portion size and timing are key,” he explained.

dr. Naufal offers several tips for healthier eating during Eid. First, limit snacking or simply taste a small amount. “The biggest source of excess calories often comes from snacks and Eid pastries rather than main meals,” he said.

He also warned that stroke cases tend to rise after Eid due to uncontrolled consumption of sugar, salt, and fat. “Avoid excessive snacking. If you are curious, a small taste is fine, but do not overindulge,” he emphasized.

The second tip is to follow the My Plate portion guide. Half of the plate should be filled with vegetables and fruit, while the remaining half is divided between carbohydrates, such as rice, and protein-rich side dishes.

For individuals with diabetes, dr. Naufal advises against consuming sweet foods. “Diabetics should completely avoid sugary foods. Those with high cholesterol or hypertension should also limit fatty foods,” he added.

To prevent overeating, he recommends using a smaller plate. With so many food choices available, larger plates can lead to unintentionally taking excessive portions. In contrast, smaller plates help regulate portion sizes automatically.

Additionally, he also suggests eating fruits such as bananas, apples, or pears first until you feel full before tasting other foods. In addition to reducing appetite (because the stomach is already full of vegetables and fruits), fiber content can also bind fat.

“This can limit us from consuming high-sugar and high-fat foods. It is better to serve fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of salads as an alternative to healthy food during Eid,” he explained.

Finally, dr. Naufal suggests eating before the Eid prayer so that the stomach is not too hungry after the service. “An empty stomach, combined with an abundance of food, often leads to overeating,” he noted.

Not to forget, after consuming a lot of fatty foods, dr. Naufal emphasized the importance of physical activity. “Try to exercise in the morning for at least 15 minutes,” he concluded. (IAAS/HPH)