Don’t Worry! Here are Tips for a Safe Home Left Behind by Homecoming According to IPB University Risk Management Expert

Don’t Worry! Here are Tips for a Safe Home Left Behind by Homecoming According to IPB University Risk Management Expert

Jangan Khawatir! Ini Tips Rumah Aman Ditinggal Mudik Menurut Pakar Manajemen Risiko IPB University
News / Research

Eid homecoming has become a typical culture of the Indonesian people before Hari Raya. However, the risk of crimes such as theft still lurks. Therefore, it is important to maintain home security so that homecoming can be done calmly and comfortably.

Chairman of IPB University’s Risk Management Office, Ir Budi Purwanto, ME said, the basic step that needs to be done is to ensure that the house is safe while being left behind.

“Lock all access and make sure doors, windows, and vents are locked tightly. Use additional padlocks for fences or garages. Put important documents, jewelry, and electronics in a safe or hidden location,” he said.  

Budi continued, people can involve trusted neighbors or RT administrators to monitor the house. “Don’t forget to ask for contact numbers and communicate,” he said.

He also suggested the use of automatic lights. “Set indoor/outdoor lights to turn on automatically at night to give the impression that the house is inhabited,” he added.

To secure electrical installations, he is reminded to turn off the secondary Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) before leaving for homecoming.

“Unplug non-essential electronic cables such as TV and charger to avoid short circuit. Only leave the refrigerator and freezer on if needed,” he said.

He continued, for gas stoves and dispensers, make sure the stove regulator is removed and the gas cylinder is tightly closed and turn off the water dispenser to avoid leakage.

“In precautionary measures against fire or flood disasters before the house is abandoned, dispose of flammable garbage/cardboards, trim tree branches, and ensure smooth drainage. Install smoke detectors and make sure fire alarms are active and fire extinguishers are easily accessible,” Budi explained.

In addition, regularly monitor the condition of the house via CCTV through an application connected to the security camera.

To be more comprehensive, he also suggests applying the dual security principle and sharpening technical details such as:

  1. Dual security principle: install a double lock on the main door (conventional lock and digital lock with password.
  2. Condition adaptation: make sure the drains around the house are not clogged. Seal the bottom vents and other gaps with waterproof boards if the house is located in an area prone to inundation.
  3. Prevent damp and mildew: Put silica gel or anti-damp chalk in closed cupboards and rooms. Cover wooden furniture with tarpaulin to avoid mold.
  4. External and environmental safeguards: firmly tie up houseplants/flower pots on the terrace that can be blown away by strong winds. Bring in garden tools (shovels, ladders) that burglars can use to climb up.  
  5. Emergency preparations: store photocopies of ID cards, land titles and insurance policies in cloud storage (Google Drive/Dropbox) for emergency access.  

“Happy Ramadan and smooth homecoming. Leave home with peace of mind, return safely,” he concluded. (Lp) (IAAS/NRA)