IPB University Researcher Study: These are the Three Most Popular Coffee Serving Methods in Indonesia

IPB University Researcher Study: These are the Three Most Popular Coffee Serving Methods in Indonesia

Studi Peneliti IPB University Ini Tiga Metode Penyajian Kopi Terpopuler di Indonesia

Dr Dian Herawati, a coffee expert from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) as well as a researcher at the Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center IPB University, explained the results of her study on the most popular coffee brewing methods in Indonesia.

She said that coffee serving methods can be made based on various considerations, including the level of consumer acceptance/popularity and the benefits to be obtained. The serving methods are generally divided into two: manual brewing and espresso-based brewing.

In a research survey conducted with his team, it was found that the most popular manual brew methods in Indonesia are tubruk, V60, and cold brew.

  • Cold brew is a technique of “brewing” coffee grounds with cold water (or room temperature water) for approximately 12-24 hours to obtain optimal flavor.
  • Tubruk is a typical Indonesian coffee drink made by pouring hot water into a glass or teapot filled with coffee grounds.
  • While V60 is a manual coffee brewing method using a cone-shaped device with a hole at the bottom, which allows water to flow in a controlled manner.

In addition to the manual brew method, the study revealed that the most popular espresso-based brewing methods are cappuccino, palm sugar milk coffee, and café latte.

Dr Dian said that the same study showed that all manual coffee brews have bioactive content (chlorogenic acid and caffeine) and antioxidant activity. The V60 method has the highest bioactive content, followed by tubruk and cold brew.

“The bioactive component of chlorogenic acid in coffee has several benefits for the body, including being able to act as an antioxidant and prevent diabetes by inhibiting sugar digestion,” she said. 

Caffeine is widely known as a nervous system stimulant that can prevent drowsiness and provide a refreshing effect. However, people who are sensitive to caffeine need to limit/don’t consume coffee. 

On the other hand, she said, espresso-based coffee such as cappuccino, palm sugar milk coffee, and café latte that is added with milk or sugar can affect its health benefits. Excess sugar consumption can increase the risk of obesity and other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. 

“Therefore, consumers must wisely choose coffee offerings according to their preferences and body conditions. So, don’t be afraid to drink coffee because we can get the benefits of drinking coffee by choosing the right type of dish,” she explained.

Regarding the trend of coffee in cafes that is increasingly popular among young people, Dr Dian believes that this phenomenon needs to be addressed positively.

“The trend of café coffee among the younger generation should be addressed positively as it will boost the popularity of coffee as the beverage of choice for the younger generation.

Furthermore, she said that innovations in coffee commodities will grow in accordance with the demands of young people’s tastes which are very dynamic and always follow trends.

“Hopefully this will motivate coffee businesses along the production chain to produce Indonesian coffee with a touch of innovation and good quality assurance,” she added. (IAAS/KDP)