SNPMB Socialization: This is the Quota for IPB University’s New Student Admission in 2025

SNPMB Socialization: This is the Quota for IPB University’s New Student Admission in 2025

Sosialisasi SNPMB Ini Kuota Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru IPB University Tahun 2025

Hundreds of Guidance Counseling (BK) Teachers attended the Socialization of the National Selection of New Student Admission (SNPMB) and IPB University’s Independent Pathway in 2025. More than 300 counseling teachers who attended came from Jabodetabek, Cianjur, Sukabumi and several other areas. 

The activity was held in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor (16/1). This socialization was presented to provide an explanation of the various changes that occurred in the new student admission system in state universities (PTN) in 2025.

Director of Education Administration and New Student Admission of IPB University, Dr Utami Dyah Syafitri said, the total quota of new student admission in 2025 is 5.685 for undergraduate programs. The number consists of 5.300 regular quota and 385 for international classes. Meanwhile, for the applied undergraduate program in 2025 there are 2.760 quotas.

“SNBP assessment at IPB University has two criteria that are assessed, namely the average value of the overall report card with a weight of 50 percent and an average of 50 percent supporting subjects. Students who have achievements will be our consideration,” she said.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, expressed his welcome to the BK teachers who had visited to get information related to the new student admission program. He appreciated the presence of counseling teachers as a positive step in supporting the dissemination of useful information.

According to him, this visit is an excellent provision to be socialized to students. The teachers can convey important information about the prospects of scientific fields, the organization of education, and life on the campus of IPB University more accurately.

“IPB University is a university that is considered to have an impact on society and industry. This is in line with the achievements and rankings obtained both nationally and internationally by IPB University,” he explained. 

The most recently, IPB University affirmed its position in the global arena. In the Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025 released by Times Higher Education (THE), IPB University ranks first in Indonesia and 60th in the world.

Prof Deni Noviana, Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Education and Student Affairs explained five educational programs and policies at IPB University. Namely accessible and inclusive education, strengthening educational resilience, integrated education, innovative and resilient education, internationalization of education.

“Education must be accessible and inclusive so that all children of the nation have as many opportunities as possible in education,” he said.

Bekti Cahyo Hidayanto, MKom, SNPMB Central Committee explained the filling of the School and Student Database (PDSS) which is a track record of school performance and report cards of eligible students.

He explained that in 2025, PDSS filling has two mechanism options, namely manually and through synchronization with e-Rapor.

“For schools that use e-Rapor and fill in PDSS with e-Rapor, they will get an additional school quota of 5 percent of the best students to participate in the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP),” he explained.

For this reason, his party encourages the use of e-Rapor to be more massive and truly implemented by schools. The reason is, since 2019 until now the filling of the e-Report is still very low. “We hope that by 2025-2027 all schools will have used the e-Report system,” he said. (AS) (IAAS/RUM)