IPB University Empowers Farmers through Honey Bee Cultivation Training

IPB University Empowers Farmers through Honey Bee Cultivation Training

IPB University Berdayakan Petani melalui Pelatihan Budi Daya Lebah Madu

IPB University recently held a honey bee cultivation training aimed at local farmers from three sub-districts, namely Dramaga Sub-district, Ciomas Sub-district, and Tamansari Sub-district. The training took place at Balai Penyuluh Pertanian (BPP) Wilayah VI Dramaga.

Honey bees are a non-timber forest product (NTFP) that has great potential for the future.

This event is a collaboration between IPB University, Yayasan Hutan Organik, and PT Danone Nutricia. This activity aims to strengthen the role of Taman Kehati Telaga Inspirasi as a center for conservation, education, and community empowerment through honey bee farming. 

The training was also attended by IPB University Campus Forest Park (Tahuka) staff, and agricultural extension assistants in the Dramaga area. This activity was filled by experts and experts from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University, namely Prof Rika Raffiudin Dr Windra Priawandiputra. 

“Honey bees are the guardians of natural balance. Apart from producing quality honey, they are also the irreplaceable main pollinators,” Prof Rika explained in her material. 

She continued, “Honey bees not only provide economic value through the production of honey, propolis, and beeswax, but also help increase agricultural and plantation productivity.”

Dr Windra, a stingless bee expert, added that this type of bee has tremendous potential to be developed in Indonesia. He shared tips on stingless bee cultivation. Starting from colony grafting techniques to the importance of planting various types of forage plants such as coconut, mango, and rubber.

“Besides being easy to maintain, honey from stingless bees has high efficacy and unique flavor,” he said. Not only that, he also explained about the diversification of bee products, which can be a new business opportunity for farmers.

Stingless bee farming or meliponiculture also continues to grow in Indonesia, supported by innovation through hive design and maintenance techniques.

IPB University hopes that the synergy between environmental conservation and community welfare will have a positive impact on society. 

This empowerment concept that unites conservation and economy is an inspiring model that can be applied in various parts of Indonesia. In addition, this is the first step to make IPB University’s Tropical Forest Arboretum a center for beekeeping research and training in Indonesia. (IAAS/RUM)