Dean of SPs IPB University Exposes DBR Program 2025 Curriculum at BRIN
The Dean of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat gave an explanation regarding the design of the Graduate Education Program Degree by Research (DBR) curriculum in 2025 with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
The activity was held at Mangkuluhur Artotel Suites, Jakarta, not long ago. This activity is also part of the monitoring and evaluation of the progress of DBR program participants from BRIN with partner universities in cooperation.
Prof Dodik in his presentation said that the implementation of the DBR postgraduate education program is a follow-up to the cooperation agreement between the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) and IPB University dated November 3, 2018, related to education, research, and utilization of science, and technology (science and technology) in the field of science and technology.
“This program provides opportunities for prospective students who have a high research track record and publications in their institutions in relevant fields,” he said.
He continued, “This program allows students to continue to pursue research in their institution while pursuing graduate education. This program also facilitates students with their supervisors to publish research work in high quantity and quality,” he added.
Currently, the curriculum at SPs IPB University uses the 2020 Curriculum (K2020) which has three pillars, namely course structure (course structure), flexibility of the learning process (flexibility), and quality postgraduate research (research for impacts).
Prof Dodik revealed, Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53 of 2023 introduces a new policy oriented towards Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM).
According to him, this policy aims to give students a choice in choosing courses, strengthen the relationship between the academic world and the world of work, and increase the relevance of graduates to the needs of industry and society. “Therefore, alignment needs to be done to adjust the Total Study Load in the 2025 curriculum (K2025),” he explained.
Prof Dodik added, IPB University and BRIN will accept foreign students through the DBR Platform scheme which will start in the final semester of the 2025/2026 academic year. Currently there are 57 master’s study programs (prodi) and 43 doctoral programs in SPs that provide many options for prospective students from BRIN according to their fields of expertise.
“Currently SPs IPB University is open for registration for doctoral, master, and engineer professions in the even semester of the 2024/2025 academic year. In addition to opening a by-research path, SPs also open registration for regular paths and special implementation,” he continued. (HBL/Nr) (IAAS/HLF)