Discussing the Potential of Indonesia’s Seas, ISOI Holds the 20th Annual Scientific Congress and Meeting

Discussing the Potential of Indonesia’s Seas, ISOI Holds the 20th Annual Scientific Congress and Meeting

Bahas Potensi Laut Indonesia, ISOI Gelar Kongres dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ke-20

The Indonesian Oceanology Undergraduate Association (ISOI) held the 20th Annual Congress and Scientific Meeting. The event was attended by all Regional Commissariats (Komda) of ISIO throughout Indonesia.

Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University said, this meeting was a reflection as well as emphasising the joint commitment to Indonesia’s maritime sovereignty. It is also in accordance with the Djuanda Declaration in 1957 which affirms Indonesia’s maritime sovereignty globally.

“As a maritime nation, of course we have a huge marine potential. This potential can be optimised with cross-sector collaboration based on the right innovation,” he said.

He hopes that the ongoing collaboration can produce innovations and ideas for Indonesia’s maritime development.

Prof Fredinan Yulianda, Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University also emphasised the role of ISOI in the development of marine science. Not only that, its role is also important in the development of a sustainable fisheries sector for the welfare of Indonesia.

“Currently, Indonesia is facing a complex challenge in the marine sector regarding the exploration of marine resources. In this context, ISOI plays a strategic role in producing research, ideas, and innovations as well as the results of recommendations for the progress of the Indonesian nation,” he explained.

Prof Agung Dhamar Syakti, General Chairman of ISOI for the 2021-2024 period said, this activity was carried out to contribute to giving ideas and thoughts for the realisation of a healthy sea, so that it can be a productive resource that is beneficial for the Indonesian people.

“This is our opportunity to contribute to carrying out our common ideals so that the Indonesian nation is able to utilise its maritime power for the beneficial purposes of the Indonesian people,” he said.

Prof Agus Saleh Atmadipoera as the chairman of the activity committee, admitted that he was grateful for the realization of this event. Moreover, Komda Bogor ISOI can host this year’s congress. (US/RZ) (IAAS/IAN)