Silviculture Department of IPB University and Trenggalek Regency Government Hold Aerobic Composting Tank Training

Silviculture Department of IPB University and Trenggalek Regency Government Hold Aerobic Composting Tank Training

Departemen Silvikultur IPB University Bersama Pemkab Trenggalek Adakan Pelatihan Bak Komposting Sistem

The Silviculture Department, Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) of IPB University in collaboration with the Trenggalek Regency Government (Pemkab) held a waste management training in Mlinjon Village, Suruh District, Trenggalek, East Java. This activity was carried out through the 2024 Kedaireka Matching Fund program.

On that occasion, Prof Arief Sabdo Yuwono as a resource person, shared how to make a composting tank with an aerobic system. The advantage is that the waste does not produce a pungent odor while being collected in the composting process.

Prof Arief Sabdo, a Professor of Environmental Engineering at IPB University, also admitted that he was happy to be able to share the waste management techniques that he has been implementing.

In this training, a representative from the Silviculture Department of IPB University, Prof Prijanto Pamoengkas, conveyed the importance of good waste management in maintaining the ecosystem and sustainability of forests around Trenggalek.

“We hope that this training can provide real benefits for the people of Mlinjon Village. With good waste management, we not only maintain the cleanliness of the village environment, but also contribute to maintaining the surrounding natural ecosystem, including forests which are important resources in Trenggalek,” said Prof Prijanto.

He added that this program aims to increase awareness and skills of residents in managing waste, especially in realizing zero waste as an effort to reduce carbon emissions in Trenggalek Regency.

The training was attended by several regional apparatus organizations (OPD) such as the Regional Development Planning Agency, Research and Development (Bappedalitbang), the Agriculture Service, the Housing, Settlement Areas and Environment Service (PKPLH), and administrators of temporary shelters (TPS) in Mlinjon Village.

In addition to providing basic knowledge about household waste management, participants also received training in sorting organic and inorganic waste. They were also taught how to turn organic waste into compost using Black Soldier Fly (BSF).

This waste management training activity is part of the AgroForStain program which is a collaboration between the Silviculture Department and the Trenggalek Regency Government. In the future, similar programs are expected to be implemented in other villages around Trenggalek to create a village environment that is free of waste and environmentally friendly.

“The Silviculture Department hopes that this activity can be the first step for Trenggalek Regency to implement sustainability programs, so that it can create a cleaner and healthier environment,” concluded Prof Prijanto. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ASD)