Five IPB University LRIs Map Marine and Climate Change Research Priorities

Five IPB University LRIs Map Marine and Climate Change Research Priorities

Lima LRI IPB University Petakan Prioritas Riset Kelautan dan Perubahan Iklim

Five International Research Institutes (LRIs) of IPB University worked together to organize a mini workshop on mapping marine research and climate change. This activity was coordinated by the Maritime, Marine, and Fisheries (i-MAR) LRI.

Taking place in EDTC Auditorium, Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL), IPB Baranangsiang Campus, this mini workshop was held with the main objective of mapping outstanding research as well as identifying research gaps in the marine field in relation to climate change.

The five LRIs of IPB University are i-MAR LRI; Environment and Climate Change LRI (LPI); Food, Nutrition, and Health LRI (PGK), Social, Economic, and Regional Development LRI (PSEK), and Advanced Technology LRI (TM).

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria in his speech said that this activity was a proactive step in facing the challenges and opportunities faced by the marine sector and climate change. This workshop also plays an important role in supporting the tridarma of higher education.

Prof Luky Adrianto, the Chief of LRI i-MAR as the workshop leader gave an introduction to the workshop on cross-sector collaboration to face the challenges of marine policy related to world climate change. 

“Sustainable and effective solutions to the impacts of climate change in the marine sector can only be achieved through cross-sector collaboration. In this context, we need to integrate understanding and expertise from various fields – government, private sector, academia, and communities – to jointly design adaptive and mitigative strategies as the basis of sustainable blue economy development,” he said.

In addition, Prof Rizaldi Boer, Chief of LRI LPI, provided the latest updates and research challenges related to climate change in relation to the blue economy and marine policy. “Overcoming these challenges requires more in-depth interdisciplinary research and cross-sector collaboration,” he said.

He further said, “These challenges, from the effects of climate change on the ocean to the sustainable development of the blue economy, require stronger policy frameworks and evidence-based strategies that prioritize the long-term sustainability and well-being of coastal communities.”

The mini-workshop continued with presentations from the speakers and discussions in each session which took place in an orderly and informative manner. Prof Luky Adrianto closed the discussion to map out the research priorities for the next five years. The research focuses on policy development and technological innovations that support the blue economy and climate change adaptation and mitigation to marine policies at the national and global levels. (DY/LA/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)