IPB OSIS Fest 2024: 15 Student Council Presidents Get Golden Ticket to IPB University

IPB OSIS Fest 2024: 15 Student Council Presidents Get Golden Ticket to IPB University

IPB OSIS Fest 2024 15 Ketua OSIS Raih Golden Ticket Masuk IPB University

IPB University successfully held another IPB OSIS Fest 2024 event which took place from 18 to 20 October 2024. On the peak night (20/10), IPB University gave golden tickets for 15 best student council leaders to continue their education at IPB University.

The IPB OSIS Fest 2024 award night was attended by 50 best student council presidents from all over Indonesia. All participants had passed a rigorous selection based on the assessment of essays and presentations conducted. They were challenged to deliver their opinions with the theme “Fueling Leadership: Unlocking New Power for Boundless Exploration in IPB OSIS Fest 2024”.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria in his speech highly appreciated and proud of all participants of IPB OSIS Fest 2024. The Rector mentioned that IPB University is committed to molding its graduates into future leaders. Therefore, he said, prospective students of IPB University must have good leadership skills.

“This is the dream of all of us so that IPB University becomes part of the future. All of that can only be done if we have strong leadership,” he said.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana in her speech added the importance of education in improving one’s social status in society. “One of the things to improve the standard of living and improve the social status of a society is to provide good education,” he said.

He also explained that the student council president pathway is one of the independent pathways at IPB University. This year, IPB University’s policy for the Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) path is 40 percent, and 30 percent for the Independent path, including the student council president path.

The following is a list of 15 student council leaders who are entitled to get a golden ticket to IPB University from IPB OSIS Fest 2024:

  1. Muhammad Azzikra Al Buchori (SMAN 3 Kota Jambi)
  2. Muhammad Atha Kesaka Yusel (MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong)
  3. Davin Ferdiansyah (MAN 16 Jakarta)
  4. Abdullah Azzam (SMAIT AL Uswah Surabaya)
  5. Andromeda Zach BT (SMA Darul Ulum 1 Peterongan)
  6. Assyifa Sahira (MAN 2 Kota Makassar)
  7. Bilal Bahrul UR (SMA SMART Ekselensia Indonesia)
  8. Devandra AP (SMA Plus Liwaul Furqon)
  9. Farrel Zahran F (SMAIT Pesantren Nururrahman)
  10. Gilang Khaerul A (MAN Insan Cendekia Lombok Timur)
  11. Ignatius Willy SW (SMAN 1 Jogonalan)
  12. Maulia Putri Adisti (SMAN 2 Cianjur)
  13. M. Syarief Hidayatullah (SMA Islam Al-Azhar BSD)
  14. Naswa Kartika N (SMAN 3 Palangkaraya)
  15. Novriko (SMAN 79 Jakarta)