Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Participates Again in Sheep-Goat Festival

Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Participates Again in Sheep-Goat Festival

Fakultas Peternakan IPB University Kembali Berpartisipasi dalam Festival Ternak Domba-Kambing

Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University participated in the 2024 Sheep-Goat Festival and Sheep Agility Art. In the festival, Fapet IPB University participated in displaying livestock exhibitions, products, and livestock innovations as a promotional and educational event for the community.

The event was organized by the Bogor District Fisheries and Livestock Service Office (Diskanak) with the Indonesian Sheep-Goat Breeders Association (HPDKI) and several related parties. The event was located at the Archery Field of GOR Pakansari, Cibinong, Bogor Regency (13/10).

Fapet’s involvement in the event attracted the attention of visitors both those who deliberately came to watch the exhibition and those who happened to cross the area to exercise.

Kalih Raksasewu, an alumnus of Fapet IPB University class 24 who initially intended to exercise at the location seemed enthusiastic about sharing stories when approaching the Fapet booth. The man who works as an educational practitioner hopes that Fapet IPB University in the future can find new methods, new varieties, new superior types of both livestock and animal feed that can be applied in the community directly.

“IPB University is a barometer of the success of agriculture in general, including the livestock world, breakthroughs from feed, for example cheaper or special livestock applications to facilitate farmers and buyers. If for example there is a sales application, a digital marketing breakthrough, it will help small farmers like me,” he said.

Acting Bogor Regent, Dr Bachril Bakri, also conveyed the important role of Fapet IPB University in livestock development. “In Bogor, we have Bogor Agricultural University and Ciawi Livestock Research Center that develop livestock in terms of genetics, there are breeders that are selected and developed and can be assisted by these two institutions,” he explained during his speech. “That is a cooperative advantage that I don’t think other regions have.

Hundreds of exhibition visitors consisting of sheep agility competition participants, businessmen, students and the general public also took the time to visit the Fapet booth. Alvian Febriansyah, a student from Djuanda University in Bogor, said that Fapet’s booth was very interesting because of its many innovations.

Vian Eko Prasetyo, a student who is also a young entrepreneur, was interested in the mineral blocks displayed at the Fapet booth. “For this mineral block, I see from the composition of the ingredients there is also maggot and hopefully the stability of the composition is high,” he said.

In addition, Vian is also interested in Milk Replacer, an innovative product of Prof Dewi Apri Astuti from the Meat and Work Nutrition Division (NTDK). “Dairy cattle usually give birth then until we separate and we milk and sell, the homework is that the cempe (baby cattle) must have an alternative. I have tried all brands before, hopefully this product can be an alternative to cow’s milk that I usually use,” she concluded.

Another visitor was Fikri Fadilah, a goat farmer from Tangerang who has been running his business for almost three years. Fikri’s business, Shaheerfarm, is located in Cigudeg, Bogor Regency and has been used as a field practicum location for Fapet students.

There were also visitors from the general public who had nothing to do with livestock. Herlina Datau, a Bogor resident, found the Fapet IPB exhibition very interesting because it was the first time she saw an exhibition like this. “The education about animal husbandry at IPB University is also good,” she said. (Femmy/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)