IPB University’s Premarital School 2024 Provides Adolescents with Wedding Planning

IPB University’s Premarital School 2024 Provides Adolescents with Wedding Planning

Sekolah Pranikah 2024 IPB University Bekali Remaja Perencanaan Pernikahan

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) and the Center for Human Resource Development (P2SDM) of IPB University successfully held Premarital School 2024 activities in Sinarsari Village and Sukawening Village, Dramaga District, Bogor.

This activity was carried out in order to raise awareness about the importance of marriage planning and prevent early marriage. The event was attended by a total of 40 teenagers who were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity.

The guest speaker was Dr Yulina Eva Riany SP MEd, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema). She presented the material ‘Why Marriage Should Be Planned’ and ‘The Impact of Child Marriage’.

Dr Yulina in her explanation emphasized the importance of emotional, physical, and economic readiness in entering marriage. “Various negative impacts can occur due to early marriage, both on the welfare of children, the quality of parenting, to education and employment opportunities,” she said.

At the next meeting, Ir Mintarti MSi, a researcher from P2SDM presented the material ‘Family Communication’. She also talked about ‘Prosperous and Healthy Families’.

Ir Mintarti emphasized the importance of family communication as the smallest group of society. Furthermore, she added, there are 12 indicators of a healthy family in Indonesia starting from the availability of clean water to the implementation of family planning programs.

Premarital school is one of the important initiatives to reduce the child marriage rate in West Java Province, which still exceeds the national target of 8,56 percent.

This activity is a form of collaboration between academics, government, and the community in efforts to prevent early marriage.

Through this activity, DPMA and P2SDM IPB University hope to increase teenagers’ awareness about the importance of good future planning and the adverse effects of early marriage. This activity is also expected to be a model for other villages in educating adolescents about the importance of readiness in marriage. (*/Nr) (IAAS/RUM)