Learning Environmental Management, SMA PGII 1 Bandung Visits PPLH IPB University

Learning Environmental Management, SMA PGII 1 Bandung Visits PPLH IPB University

Belajar Pengelolaan Lingkungan, SMA PGII 1 Bandung Kunjungi PPLH IPB University

A total of 306 students from SMA Persatuan Guru Islam Indonesia (PGII) 1 Bandung, West Java visited the Environmental Research Center (PPLH) IPB University. The participants were directly received by the Chief of PPLH IPB University, Dr Yudi Setiawan and Executive Secretary of PPLH IPB University Dr Liyantono.

Representing SMA PGII 1 Bandung and the foundation, Asep Nurdin, SPd as the accompanying teacher expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome of the leadership of PPLH IPB University. He continued, this learning visit from class XI students was a manifestation of co-curricular activities from the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) program as part of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. This program aims to shape the character and moral values of students and encourage the achievement of the Pancasila Student Profile.

“The P5 program in the Merdeka Curriculum aims to strengthen the competence and character of students. We recognize intracurricular, extracurricular, and co-curricular activities. One of these co-curricular activities in relation to P5 is to strengthen learning theory in schools. The team from SMA PGII 1 Bandung aims to get insight and inspiration from PPLH IPB University regarding sustainable lifestyles as one of the themes of the P5 program,” explained Asep Nurdin.

In line with this, as a research unit, the oldest environmental research center in Indonesia has been established since 1976 under the name Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Management Studies (Pusdi PSL) before finally transforming into the Environmental Research Center (PPLH) IPB University. Over the years, PPLH IPB University has taken part in research and community service, education and training of human resources (HR) in the field of environment, to services and consultancy with partners from various circles. 

“PPLH IPB University has been concerned with work and research related to environmental management. Currently, we have also established cooperation with oil and gas companies, mining, business units of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and the private sector. PPLH IPB University also collaborates with SOEs in the oil and gas sector in order to develop a green lifestyle among office staff in daily life,” explained Dr Yudi.

Small things such as the application of green lifestyle in daily life are expected to provide inspiration to make bigger changes. “Big changes, whatever they are, start from small changes. So, small steps are intended to make bigger changes. I hope that the younger siblings who are present here can participate in becoming agents of change for the improvement of the environment in the future,” said Dr Yudi closing his remarks. 

Study Tour at Taman Semangat and PPLH IPB Building

The joint team of young researchers from PPLH IPB University also held the first session of study tour with students of SMA PGII 1 Bandung by visiting Taman Semangat IPB University, precisely at the Compost House unit, Bio Digester, Melting and waste sorting unit and Hazardous and Toxic Material (B3) waste storage. 

The Compost House is an organic waste processing unit managed by IPB University to accommodate leaves, twigs, grass, and other types of organic waste in the IPB University environment to be processed into compost. 

The Bio Digester unit in Taman Semangat is a container used to convert organic waste into biogas as fuel. This waste is obtained from the use of livestock feces from the cage installation of the Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University. The biogas-producing Bio Digester works by providing an airtight and oxygen-free environment for anaerobic digestion by bacteria. For waste that has metal content, it is treated with a melting process.

In the second session, study tour participants were invited to visit the PPLH IPB University Building to see a simulation of air and water sampling techniques and an explanation of the test laboratory installation for air, soil and water environmental quality research. Young researchers from PPLH IPB University briefly explained the basic use of instruments for air and water sampling along with the analysis process in the laboratory

Furthermore, participants also received an explanation of posters containing real work, in the form of research results and community service of PPLH IPB University in terms of environmental service. Among them, research on Coastal Pollution Biomonitoring with eDNA Technology, Mangrove Forest Damage Assessment in Pantai Bahagia Village, Muara Gembong District, Bekasi Regency Based on Remote Sensing and GIS, Spatial Greenhouse Gas Analysis as the Basis for Low Carbon City Development, and Coral Transplantation with the Application of Transplant Module Innovation Based on Hexa-Helix Stakeholders. Finally, PPLH IPB University young researchers showed a demonstration of drip irrigation applications for agriculture. (my/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)