Communication Day 2024: Build Character and Connection of New Students of Digital Communication and Media Study Program of IPB University

Communication Day 2024: Build Character and Connection of New Students of Digital Communication and Media Study Program of IPB University

Communication Day 2024 Bangun Karakter dan Koneksi Mahasiswa Baru Prodi Komunikasi Digital dan Media IPB University

The Digital and Media Communication Study Program (Prodi) of IPB University Vocational School held the Communication Day 2024 event again. This event is held every year at the beginning of lectures and is attended by new students of the Digital Communication and Media Study Program. 

This event is intended as a means to get to know each other and build cohesiveness among new students. This series of events includes seminar activities with the theme ‘Effective Strategies for Career Success’ by alumni who are professionals in their fields, namely Fhosya Apriando by providing knowledge and experience in preparing themselves optimally in achieving success in their careers. 

There was also a talk show session with inspirational alumni, Ari Mugsitho and Lyfia Ananda with the theme ‘Maximize Opportunity as a Communication Student’. This session discussed experiences, shared tips, and motivated new students to be able to take advantage of various opportunities during the college period and undergo the life after university.

Chairperson of Communication Day 2024, Athallah Robi, stated that this event was not only a place to get to know each other and strengthen the bond between new students, but also as a first step to prepare themselves to face the challenges of the world of work. 

“We hope that through this event, new students can gain insight and motivation from alumni who have been successful in their fields. This is an opportunity for them to learn from real experiences and maximize their potential early on,” said Athallah.

The event was attended by lecturers who teach courses in the Digital Communication and Media Study Program, as well as 363 new students of batch 61. The participants who attended looked enthusiastic and followed a series of events very well.

With the implementation of this event, it is hoped that it can be a forum for new students to learn directly from the experiences of successful professionals, and gain insight into how to optimize their potential in the field of digital communication and media. (SSN/NPA/Lp) (IAAS/NAU)