The Wacana Forum of IPB University and MPR RI Hold a National Workshop on the Implementation of Pancasila in the Life of the Nation

The Wacana Forum of IPB University and MPR RI Hold a National Workshop on the Implementation of Pancasila in the Life of the Nation

Forum Wacana IPB University dan MPR RI Gelar Sarasehan Nasional Implementasi Pancasila dalam Kehidupan Berbangsa

The Postgraduate Student Forum (Wacana) of IPB University together with the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) of the Republic of Indonesia held a National Workshop entitled ‘Implementation of Pancasila in the Life of the Nation’. This activity was held at the Abdul Muis Nasution Auditorium, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, (27/9).

Chairman of the IPB University Wacana Forum, Deli Wakano, MSi said, this activity was organised to invite students to reflect on the values of Pancasila that had been strived for by the nation’s heroes. Because, Pancasila is not just the basis of the state, but a guide to everyday life.

“Because we know that Indonesia has a variety of cultures, religions, and characters, so by applying and understanding the values of Pancasila, God willing, we will live safely and peacefully in this beloved country,” said Deli in her speech.

Vice Dean of IPB University’s Graduate School for Cooperation and Development Resources, Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, said that the National Sarasehan activity would provide many benefits for graduate students who would become leaders in the future.

“I am sure that the participation of these students will be very beneficial and impactful, because 10-20 years from now they will be the next leaders. With this activity, we really hope that it can provide great benefits. Hopefully Allah will bless it,” he said.

In his presentation, Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi said, as Indonesian citizens, we should be grateful that Indonesia has Pancasila as the basis of the state and to this day is still optimistic about becoming one of the great countries in the future.

“Many countries were born, especially after the second world war, which were independent like Indonesia, but many countries are categorised as failed states, dissolved or facing a crisis that never stops sustainable. Indonesia is not,” said Prof Ernan.

Looking at the current conditions, Prof Ernan assessed that Indonesia is actually becoming a stronger and more respected country by other countries. Prof Ernan said, Indonesia will become a country that is predicted in 2045 to be ranked as the fourth or fifth strongest economy in the world.

“This means that Indonesia will remain stable because it has proven to be the most democratic country in Southeast Asia. Compared to other ASEAN countries, Indonesia is classified as the most democratic country regardless of the political dynamics that occur in the country,” he said.

At the National Workshop, Vice Chairman of the MPR Dr Muhammad Hidayat Nur Wahid was present as a guest speaker. He said that Pancasila is a product of statesmanship from Indonesian intellectuals and Islamic boarding schools.

The man who is familiarly called HNW reminded that the practice of Pancasila does not have to wait to be forced, there must be awareness in implementing the values of Pancasila. The implementation of Pancasila can start from oneself or through organisations.

Discussing the implementation of Pancasila in the national economic system, Dean of the Faculty of Economics (FEM) IPB University Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik said that Pancasila must be the basis of the national economic system which is reflected in all policy frameworks and laws and regulations in the economic field. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)