IPB University Increases Student Global Competence Through International Education Festival 2024

IPB University Increases Student Global Competence Through International Education Festival 2024

IPB University Tingkatkan Kompetensi Global Mahasiswa Lewat International Education Festival 2024

In order to increase the global competence of students, IPB University through the Directorate of International Education (DPI) held the 2024 International Education Festival at the Common Class Room (CCR) Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus (26/9). The main purpose of this event is to give an opportunity to IPB University students to be more exposed to education abroad.

Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Prof Deni Noviana said that this festival is part of a series of International Student Week activities at IPB University.

In this festival, various booths and events are opened, providing information about scholarship opportunities, student exchange programs, and internship opportunities abroad. “Foreign students are also invited to interact with IPB University students, creating a dynamic and interesting atmosphere,” said Prof Deni.

Prof Deni added that IPB University is committed to the mission of integrated, innovative, and global education. She hopes that undergraduate and graduate students are more exposed to international education opportunities, broaden their horizons, and improve global competence.

“This year, IPB University targets around 300 undergraduate students to participate in an internship program for one semester abroad. Thus, this event becomes a real step in supporting IPB University students to get a world-class learning experience, in line with the university’s vision in forming graduates who are ready to compete in the international arena,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Director of International Education, Puji Mudiana, MBA said that this event presents an expo involving IPB University partners, scholarship sponsors, and various international communities related to national identity.

According to her, this activity is part of IPB University’s mission to produce graduates who are ready to compete globally and are able to adapt to differences and multiculturalism.

“Students who attend are encouraged to participate in student exchange, research, and internship programs. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore the world through various international programs that have been provided,” she said. (IAAS/IAN)