LKST IPB University Holds Debriefing of Financial Systems, Procurement of Goods and Services, Internal Audit and HR Portal

LKST IPB University Holds Debriefing of Financial Systems, Procurement of Goods and Services, Internal Audit and HR Portal

LKST IPB University Adakan Pembekalan Sistem Keuangan, Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa, Audit Internal dan HR Portal

Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University held a briefing event on Financial Systems, Procurement of Goods and Services, Internal Audit and Financial Reporting HR Portal System. This activity took place at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, (29/8) and was attended by IPB University innovators who received the Kedaireka matching fund program.

In her opening remarks, Prof Erika B. Laconi, Chief of LKST IPB University, expressed her appreciation for the dedication and efforts of the innovators in participating in the 2024 Matching Fund program. She emphasized that this workshop is crucial for the program’s recipients, especially regarding the financial system.

“This year, 36 proposals with a total fund of 62 billion IDR managed by LKST from IPB University innovators have been approved for the Matching Fund program by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) and the Directorate of Vocational Education (Ditjen Diksi) – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek),” said Prof Erika.

Furthermore, she highlighted the importance of having partners in the Matching Fund program. Innovators and their partners must be equal, with a one-to-one ratio. Therefore, LKST serves as an intermediary bridge between the innovators and their partners, facilitating the process from invention to innovation.

Dean Apriana Ramadhan, S.Kom., M.Kom., Assistant for Digital Transformation at the Information Management and Digital Transformation Institute (LMITD) of IPB University, presented several best practice indicators. The first best practice indicator is funding sources, each with its regulations—some are taxable, and some are not.

“When you have a grant, planning your expenditures is the first obligation. Spending requires planning; create a spending timeline and accountability,” Dean advised.

He also added that participants must conduct regular financial and administrative reconciliations. Dean recommended reconciliation at least every three months, with monthly reconciliation being highly advisable.

“Grants are a team effort. It is mandatory to have two separate teams, a dedicated finance team and an administrative team. It is common to find researchers who ‘give up’ due to the administrative burden of grants,” Dean continued.

“Grants come with contracts and key performance indicators (KPIs). So, don’t run away. Keep asking questions and always be learning, use apps to simplify our lives,” he concluded. (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)