PPK Ormawa Himasiter IPB University Initiates Feed Bank to Support Livestock Quality in Sinarsari Village

PPK Ormawa Himasiter IPB University Initiates Feed Bank to Support Livestock Quality in Sinarsari Village

Tim PPK Ormawa Himasiter IPB University Inisiasi Bank Pakan, Dukung Kualitas Ternak di Desa Sinarsari
Student Insight EN

The Student Association of Animal Nutrition and Feed (Himasiter) at IPB University is currently spearheading an innovative program that integrates community welfare with environmental sustainability through the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) under the theme ‘Healthy Village.’

Mutiara Rizkia Nurkamil, the leader of the PPK Ormawa Himasiter team, explained that this program has two interrelated main focuses: the Environmentally Friendly Program (Rama) and the Healthy Without Stunting Program (Shinta), both designed to improve the quality of life in Sinarsari Village.

“In the Rama segment, we focus on two key subprograms: household waste management and livestock waste management. Within the livestock subprogram, we have taken a significant step by initiating the establishment of a feed bank in Sinarsari Village,” she said.

According to her, this feed bank is not just an ordinary storage facility but a center for the storage and distribution of livestock feed, collectively managed by the farmers in the village.

The feed bank is designed as a long-term solution to the issue of feed availability, particularly during critical times like the dry season when natural feed becomes scarce and difficult to find. With proper storage systems and efficient distribution management, farmers in Sinarsari Village are expected to have access to quality feed throughout the year.

“This is certainly very helpful in maintaining the health and productivity of their livestock, which in turn enhances the economic well-being of the farmers,” Rizkia stated.

Additionally, she mentioned that the program also serves as an educational center for the farmers. Within the framework of this program, farmers receive training and knowledge on efficient feed processing techniques, the use of local materials available around them, and ways to improve feed quality.

This education is expected to have a long-term positive impact. Farmers will not only rely on external supplies but also be able to independently produce quality feed.

Furthermore, Rizkia highlighted the significant environmental impact of this program. The management of livestock waste, including feed residues and animal manure, is a major focus.

“With proper processing, this waste is no longer considered a problem but is instead transformed into a valuable resource. For example, processed animal manure can be converted into organic fertilizer, which can be reused in agriculture, supporting the sustainability cycle in Sinarsari Village,” she explained.

The implementation of this program involves various activities, ranging from feed bank management training to technical assistance for the farmers, which took place on Sunday (August 18) at RT 3 RW1 in Sinarsari Village, specifically at the residence of Ahmad, the chief of RT 3 and also the head of the local farming group.

Prior to the construction of the feed bank, the PPK Ormawa Himasiter team held a series of discussions with Ahmad and other farmers in Sinarsari Village, accompanied by Hadi, a representative from the Faculty of Animal Science at IPB University.

“The feed bank initiative will greatly assist farmers if realized, making it easier to store feed reserves for use in the following days without having to search for feed every day,” said Ahmad during a discussion after hearing the proposal regarding the establishment of a feed bank for the farmers of Sinarsari Village.

The Healthy Village Program promoted by Himasiter IPB University demonstrates how student innovation can make a tangible contribution to the community. Not only does it improve the economic and health conditions of the community through livestock feed management, but it also raises awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.

Rizkia and the PPK Ormawa Himasiter IPB University team hope that this initiative can serve as a model that can be replicated in other villages and have a broader impact on more communities. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)