The Graduate School of IPB University Holds Coordination of Preparation and Refresher of Philosophy of Science Course

The Graduate School of IPB University Holds Coordination of Preparation and Refresher of Philosophy of Science Course

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Gelar Koordinasi Persiapan dan Penyegaran Kuliah Filsafat Sains

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a coordination meeting for the preparation and refreshment of the Philosophy of Science course at IPB Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor. 

The Philosophy of Science course must be taken by doctoral program students at SPs IPB University which is a broad study of knowledge and science which includes epistemology (logic, ontology, axiology, teleology), ethics, aesthetics and discussion of the role of science technology and art (science and technology) and morality in life to find the truth for the benefit of mankind.

Present in the activity from SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat (Dean), Prof Yusli Wardiatno (Vice Dean of Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni), Prof Titi Candra Sunarti (Vice Dean of Resources, Cooperation and Development), Prof Indra Jaya (Philosophy of Science Course Coordinator), as well as lecturers teaching Philosophy of Science courses. This activity presented speakers Prof Dodi Nandika, Prof Neviaty P Zamani, Prof Herry Purnomo, and Prof Imas Sitanggang.

Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat in his speech expressed his gratitude for the presence of lecturers teaching the Philosophy of Science course and their dedication related to the development of philosophy of science at SPs IPB University. He added that new students in the 2024/2025 odd semester had increased, especially for doctoral programs. 

“Of course, with the increase in new students, there will be more doctoral students who take the Philosophy of Science course in this first semester,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof Indra Jaya explained that this meeting aims to refresh understanding of the Philosophy of Science course as well as prepare lectures for the 2024/2025 odd semester. Through this refresher, it is hoped that the time available can be used to emphasize essential aspects that will help students be better prepared to conduct research, so that their studies can run more smoothly.

“In this activity, we focus on fundamental research and action research. In addition, we need to observe new developments in the field of knowledge generation through transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary approaches and finally about the development of artificial intelligence (AI) which we can discuss together for the Philosophy of Science course,” he explained. (HBL/Rz)