LRI i-MAR IPB University Facilitates Cooperation between Climateworks Center, Monash University, Australia, and PKSPL

LRI i-MAR IPB University Facilitates Cooperation between Climateworks Center, Monash University, Australia, and PKSPL

LRI i-MAR IPB University Fasilitasi Kerja Sama Climateworks Centre, Monash University, Australia dan PKSPL

IPB University’s Maritime, Marine and Fisheries International Research Institute (LRI i-MAR) facilitated the signing of a memorandum of intent (MoI) between Monash University through the Climateworks Center (CWC) and IPB University’s Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL). 

This cooperation is within the Southeast Asia Framework for Ocean Action and Mitigation (SEAFOAM). In addition, the agreement is also part of strengthening marine and climate change policy research, which has become a necessity for Indonesia since the Climate Change Intergovernmental Meeting (COP27).

Present at the signing were Chief of LRI i-MAR IPB University, Prof Luky Adrianto, Vice of PKSPL Prof Yonfitner, Secretary of LRI i-MAR Dr Kustiariyah Tarman, and Supervisor of LRI i-MAR Dina Yuniar, SPi, MSi. Meanwhile, the CWC team was attended by Monash University’s CWC Policy Department Chief Luke Brown, CWC Indonesia Executive Director Guntur Sutiyono, and CWC Indonesia staff Junita Chandra Iriani Silalahi, Anisa Muslicha, and Brurce Mecca.

“This collaboration is very strategic to support the Indonesian government in the formulation and dialogue of ocean and climate policies, including policies related to preparation, implementation plans and evaluation related to the new marine sector listed in the Next NDC Indonesia 2024/2025,” said Prof Luky Adrianto, who was also appointed as Chief of the SEAFOAM 2024-2025 Policy Committee.

Climateworks Center and PKSPL IPB University and of course will be facilitated by LRI i-MAR agreed on cooperation in three matters, namely 1) capacity building cooperation related to blue carbon and marine policies for climate change; 2) development of no emission technology (NET) policy cooperation for the maritime logistics sector; and 3) development of policy research cooperation in the field of less carbon blue economy.

Furthermore, Prof Yonvitner expressed the readiness of PKSPL IPB University to support marine and climate change policies through this collaboration. The reason is, he said, Indonesia does need a clear and inclusive roadmap in managing coastal and marine ecosystems, especially those that are adaptive to climate change.

“Climate change not only affects coastal and marine ecosystems but will also ultimately affect the socio-economic life of coastal communities who depend on their livelihoods on these ecosystems. The Adaptive Integrated Coastal Management (AICM) approach is important,” said Prof Yonvitner. 

Meanwhile, Chief of the CWC Monash University Policy Department, Luke Brown strengthened the long-term cooperation strategy with IPB University, especially in the field of blue economy development that is adaptive to climate change. This is because Indonesia is a strategic partner country of Australia, including IPB University as a strategic research and academic partner of Monash University.  

“Through SEAFOAM, CWC Monash University and IPB University will strengthen the cooperation of Southeast Asian marine policy scientists,” concluded Luke Brown. (DY/KT/LA/Rz) (IAAS/FAE)