Enhancing Posyandu Cadre Capacity: IPB University Students Organize Quiz Competition Across Karangtengah District

Enhancing Posyandu Cadre Capacity: IPB University Students Organize Quiz Competition Across Karangtengah District

Tingkatkan Kapasitas Kader Posyandu, Mahasiswa IPB University Gelar Lomba Cerdas Cermat Se-Kecamatan Karangtengah
Student Insight EN

Students from IPB University’s Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecturer (KKNT Innovation) organized a Quiz Competition for Posyandu Cadres in Karangtengah District, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java (2/8). The event, held at the Ngambarsari Village Hall, was attended by 42 participants divided into several teams. They came from five villages in Karangtengah District: Ngambarsari, Karangtengah, Purwoharjo, Jeblogan, and Temboro.

Titled ‘Sebari’ or ‘Healthy Together with Ngambarsari’, the competition was met with high enthusiasm, reflecting the learning spirit of the Posyandu cadres.

“This event is not just an ordinary intellectual competition, but also a tangible effort to improve the capacity of Posyandu cadres in serving the community, as well as strengthening their knowledge about excellent health services at the village level, balanced nutrition education, and implementation in daily life,” said Miksalmina Fitri, one of the KKNT Innovation students.

This program was implemented by the IPB University KKNT Innovation team in Ngambarsari Village as part of their community service program. The main objective is to provide guidance to Posyandu cadre mothers, who are at the forefront of basic health services at the village level.

“When access to health and nutrition information is still limited, Posyandu cadres play a vital role in educating and providing services to the community, especially mothers and children,” she added.

This program was initiated with the belief that enhancing the capacity of Posyandu cadres will directly impact the improvement of community health standards in Karangtengah District. The competition adopted a challenging yet engaging format. Participants had to answer various questions covering important topics such as posyandu, food and nutrition, use of herbal ingredients, and in-depth knowledge of Pancasila ideology.

During the official opening, the Field Supervisor of KKNT Innovation IPB University for Ngambarsari Village, Dr Ninuk Purnaningsih, stated that the SEBARI 2024 quiz competition is not just about determining winners. More than that, this activity serves as a means of education and empowerment for Posyandu cadres.

“The Quiz Competition presented by the KKNT Innovation team today is one form of effort to educate Posyandu cadre mothers, especially in Karangtengah District, to improve their competence in the health sector and in serving the community,” said Dr Ninuk in her speech at the Ngambarsari Village Hall, Wonogiri, Friday (2/8).

Furthermore, this competition also serves as a platform to strengthen relationships between villages in Karangtengah District. With healthy competition, it is hoped that stronger synergy can be created in efforts to improve the quality of life of the community. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)